von BK-Christian | 07.09.2023 | eingestellt unter: Weird War

A War Transformed: Preorders

Bei North Star können die Neuheiten zu A War Transformed vorbestellt werden.

NSM A War Transformed (Pre Order Offer) 1

A War Transformed: WWI on the Doggerland Front – £25,00

1916: A World Transformed. As the Great War raged, the Moon fell from its orbit. Seas shifted, uncovering new lands and revealing what tide and time had concealed. Long known as a potent occult power, the Moon’s descent also heralded the terrifying resurgence of magic. Long-forgotten gods and spirits began to stir in hidden groves and caverns and old traditions found new strength. Soon, stone circles echoed once more with the chanting of ancient rituals and menhirs were again bedecked with wildflowers and presented with offerings of honey and blood.

1918: A War Transformed. Rival nations battle on new fronts, seeking dominance with weapons of spell, song, and sacrifice. Thrust to the surface, Doggerland, the ancient bridge between Britain and Europe, becomes a crucial battleground in the conflict. In this alien landscape, raiding parties pick through the ribs of wrecks and the ruins of lost villages, war machines festooned with totems and fetishes roll over the brittle bones of long-dead giants, and cavalry charge across plains made verdant by the vegetation returning to this new land with unnatural speed.

A War Transformed is a skirmish wargame set in a world where World War I was utterly changed by forces far beyond human comprehension. Players command small forces of infantry, cavalry, artillery, and other. stranger. troops on the Doggerland Front. Fast-paced gameplay and a tense initiative bidding system are combined with authentic folk traditions and occult philosophies of the era – it is a game of rifle and relic, of bayonet and belief, of machine gun and magic.


NSM A War Transformed Starter Bundle 1

A War Transformed: Starter Bundle 1 – £108,00

A War Transformed Starter Bundle: The British One. We have a very limited number of these Bundles.


  • 1x A War Transformed rulebook
  • 1x Free plastic frame of Frostgrave Wizards
  • 1x Tarot Card Deck. (You don’t need the deck to play, the author suggests their use as markers to remind you what Rituals you have available).
  • 1x Manifestations (Six Creatures)
  • 1x British Empire Platoon (33 figures)

(All the figures are 28mm sized metal miniatures, supplied unpainted)

Includes plastic bases for all the figures. Plastic bases are by Renedra.
Have a look at pack B001a and let us know which British Captain figure you’d prefer.
Also let us know if you’d prefer plastic Female Wizards rather than Male.

NSM A War Transformed Starter Bundle 1

A War Transformed: Starter Bundle 2

A War Transformed Starter Bundle: The German One. We have a very limited number of these Bundles.


  • 1x A War Transformed rulebook
  • 1x Free plastic frame of Frostgrave Wizards
  • 1x Tarot Card Deck. (You don’t need the deck to play, the author suggests their use as markers to remind you what Rituals you have available).
  • 1x Manifestations (Six Creatures)
  • 1x German Empire Platoon (33 figures)

(All the figures are 28mm sized metal miniatures, supplied unpainted)

Includes plastic bases for all the figures. Plastic bases are by Renedra.
Have a look at pack G001a and let us know which German Captain figure you’d prefer.
Also let us know if you’d prefer plastic Female Wizards rather than Male.

NSM British Empire Platoon For A War Transformed

British Empire Platoon for A War Transformed – Special Offer price: £45.00

A sample British Empire Platoon for A War Transformed, suggested by the author Frederick Silburn-Slater.

In game terms you have 10 selection points here. Platoon is made up of three Infantry Section Units, one Trench Mortar Team and one Spiritualist Unit. We also add a Captain model for free (Not illustrated)

Total 33 models

You also need a Witch model to complete your Platoon. If you also buy a copy of the game from us, we will include a free plastic frame of Wizards with each book. You can use this kit to make your Witch model.

Models are from the Great War Miniatures and Pulp Figures ranges.
Figures are 28mm sized, made of metal and supplied unpainted.
Offer ends 28th September 2023.

NSM French Republic Platoon For A War Transformed

French Republic Platoon for A War Transformed – Special Offer price: £48.00

A sample French Republic Platoon for A War Transformed, suggested by the author Frederick Silburn-Slater.

In game terms you have 10 selection points here.Platoon is made up of three Infantry Section Units and one Renault FT17 unit. We also add a Captain model for free (Not illustrated)

Total 25 figures and a tank model.

You also need a Witch model to complete your Platoon. If you also buy a copy of the game from us, we will include a free plastic frame of Wizards with each book. You can use this kit to make your Witch model.

Models are from the Great War Miniatures and Skytrex ranges.
Figures are 28mm sized, made of metal and supplied unpainted.
Offer ends 28th September 2023.

NSM German Empire Platoon For A War Transformed

German Empire Platoon for A War Transformed Special Offer price: £50.00

A sample German Empire Platoon for A War Transformed, suggested by the author Frederick Silburn-Slater.

In game terms you have 10 selection points here. Platoon is made up of three Infantry Section Units, one Machine GunTeam and one Lancer Unit. We also add a Captain model for free (Not illustrated)

Total 33 models

You also need a Witch model to complete your Platoon. If you also buy a copy of the game from us, we will include a free plastic frame of Wizards with each book. You can use this kit to make your Witch model.

Models are from the Great War Miniatures range.

Figures are 28mm sized, made of metal and supplied unpainted.

Offer ends 28th September 2023.

Quelle: North Star Military Figures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Die Idee ist schon „witzig“.
    Vielleicht hol ich mir mal das Buch.

    Die püppies brauch ich nicht wirklich

    • Ich finde es einfallslos, einfach einen frostgrave Zauberer sprue beizulegen, einen weird wizard sprue wäre zu schön cool gewesen…

      • „…einen weird wizard sprue wäre zu schön cool gewesen….“

        Von welchen „Weird Wizard“ sprichst Du da?

      • Northstar schafft es für ein Füllhorn von minis rauszubringen, für das Release von A War transformed, wär ein sprue mit durchgeknallten Wissenschaftlern, Priestern u.a. cool gewesen…

      • Gut, neue Figuren haben die nicht extra für das Game rausgebracht. Die sind alle aus der NorthStar, Great War Miniatures, Pulp! und Skytrex Range, die ja alle zu NorthStar/ Osprey gehören. Aber die sind aus Weißmetall, nicht aus Plastik, das dürfte der Grund sein. Wenn Du nicht unbedingt einen Plastik-Rahmen brauchst, wirst Du in der Pulp Figures Range fündig werden:


  • Hab genug erster Weltkrieg Minis, werde mir da den ein oder anderen Zauberer basteln und mir aus jeden Fall das Regelwerk holen..

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