von BK-Bob | 10.05.2023 | eingestellt unter: Patreon

3DArtGuy: Mai Patreon

Von 3DArtGuy gibt es diesen Monat ein neues Grimdark Fantasy Pack.

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May Release Grimdark Fantasy Pack!

Hi everyone,

For May, I am pleased to release a new Grimdark Fantasy Pack!

Soaring on horrid decaying wings we have the Diseased Reaper.  This giant monstrosity is the herald of pestilence, tasked by its dark master to spread disease across the stars.  The Diseased Reaper fulfills its purpose with grim, implacable determination.  Those who try to oppose him will succumb to horrid plagues and mutation, too weak to stand before the Reaper’s scythe takes them.  The Diseased Reaper comes in several variations and a diorama against a Space Roman.

Speaking of plagues, what better creature to spread new ones than a rat?  Or better yet, a giant rat!  Through mad surgeries, spells and a cocktail of drugs, these freakish vermin have evolved into new and terrifying forms.  Watch in horror as the these giant rodents on steroids smash and claw through their victims.  The giant rat comes in multiple styles.

Controlling these freaks of nature are the smaller but much more intelligent rats.  While it would be a stretch to call them wizards, these smaller rats will make sure their giant cousins are destroying the right things!  The rat also comes in multiple styles.

Next we have the Planar Traveller.  An powerful adventurer gifted with the innate ability to travel between worlds.  She has used her gift to explore and even craft her own realm, one that is welcome to good aligned folk.  She comes with two styles.

Last but not least we have the Mad Orc.  This lunatic has cobbled together a heap of scrap and bolted it together as a heap of junk armor.  None of it should work but through the power of imagination, this Mad Orc has somehow managed to make a working Iron Man suit.  Now he’s off to find a proper brawl!  The Mad Orc comes in multiple styles.

This month, the new 1 year reward is the werewolf.  Perfect for those random encounters or when you just really need someone ripped to shreds on the tabletop!

Here is the complete list of what’s available in the May Grimdark Fantasy Pack:

May 2023 Standard Rewards:

  • Diseased Reaper (Parts Version)
  • Diseased Reaper (Single Version)
  • Diseased Reaper Diorama (Single Version)
  • Giant Rat Style One (Parts Version)
  • Giant Rat Style Two (Parts Version)
  • Giant Rat Style Three (Parts Version)
  • Giant Rat Multiple Poses (Single Version)
  • Mad Orc Style One (Parts and Single Version)
  • Mad Orc Style Two (Parts and Single Version)
  • Planeswalker Pose One (Single Version)
  • Planeswalker Pose Two (Single Version)
  • Rat Style One (Single Version)
  • Rat Style Two (Single Version)
  • Space Roman Agent One New Sword Pose (Single Version)
  • Space Roman Agent Two New Shooting Poses (Single Version)

Quelle: 3DArtGuy bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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    • Stimme dir absolut zu… war anfangs von den Sachen von 3DArtGuy begeistert, nach dem ich seinen Imperator bemalt habe aber maximal entnüchtert. Die Sculpts sind überladen und man merkt an sehr vielen Ecken, dass er für ein schnelles Ergebnis arbeitet und entsprechend jede mögliche Abkürzung nimmt, wodurch sehr viele Schwächen in den Designs entstehen.

      • Schwächen welcher Art, falls du dich noch an ein Beispiel erinnerst?
        Probleme beim Drucken? Supports und so? (Ich kenn mich da gar nicht auf, hab nur mal wem beim Drucken zugesehn und mir ein paar Dinge zeigen lassen 🤷‍♂️).

      • Schwächen in der Optik. So als ganz einfaches Beispiel, schau dir bei diesen Releases die ganzen Kettensegmente an oder beim Skaven den Cyber-Fuß. Wenn man sich die Elemente im Detail anschaut, ergeben sie sehr oft keinen Sinn und wirken einfach nur zusammengeklatscht.

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