von BK-Pascal | 17.01.2023 | eingestellt unter: Patreon, Science-Fiction

3DArtGuy: Januar Patreon

Im Januar gibt es ein neues Stl-Paket für Patreons von 3DArtGuy.

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Hi everyone,

For the month of January, I am pleased to release a new Grimdark pack!

At the top of the list we have the Spymasters.  Master manipulators, they excel in making plans so complicated even their underlings have no idea what’s going on.  Their spies are everywhere, and you might even be one of their assets even if you didn’t sign up for anything. 😲 But that just means it’s all going to plan! 👍 And even though they like to plot and scheme, that doesn’t mean they won’t get their hands dirty.  The Spymasters will show up when you least expect it and make you sorry for ever underestimating them.

Next up we have the Essence of Despair.  This godlike entity once wreaked havoc on the material universe and ingrained a sense of permanent fear in mortals.  But an ironic twist, it got itself captured and now it’s a living battery for those it once oppressed.  And even though it’s merely a shadow of its former glory, this creature leaves a lingering feeling of dread among all sentient beings.  The Essence of Despair comes shackled to an alien ziggurat ready to unleash hell on whatever army stands in front of it.

We also have the traitor commander.  Once a respected comrade in arms, he chose to join a rebellion that got his brother in arms killed.  But goes around comes around and the traitor commander eventually found himself on the wrong end of a weapon.

Included this month’s release are two terrain tileset.  One is a ruined battleground and the other is the interior of a spaceship.

Last but not least we have a new pose for the Ruler!  This is part 1 of 3 for a new diorama I’m making involving the Ruler and the Rage God which was my last patreon goal.

Here is the complete list of what’s available in the January Sci Fi Pack:

  • Alien Ziggurat (Single Version)
  • Essence Of Despair (Single Version)
  • Spymaster Shooting Pose (Parts and Single Version)
  • Spymaster Spear Pose (Parts and Single Version)
  • Spaceship Interior (Single Version)
  • Traitor Commander Attack Pose (Single Version)
  • Traitor Commander Death Pose (Single Version)
  • Grimdark Ruins (Single Version)
  • Ruler New Attack Pose (Parts Version) (part 1 of 3 for new diorama)

Quelle: 3DArtGuy auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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