28-Mag: Preview und Blanche-Cover
Die neue Ausgabe des 28-Mag ist in Arbeit und das Cover kommt von John Blanche persönlich.
John Blanche
”It’s strange, I never would have thought of myself as being competent at all – I find myself looking at the work of others and thinking, wow, I could never do that!”
Read more in volume 6.
Volume 6
This time we go deep into the stranger things floating around the hobby spheres. There are articles about TONKS!, Forbidden Psalm and TSPN. And of course it wouldn’t be 28 without a ton of art and miniatures as well as painting guides and interviews.
Quelle: 28-Mag
Yeah! Ich liebe dieses Magazin!
Auch was Schönes für den Advent! 🙂