Zenit Miniatures: The Old Empire Relaunch
Zenit Miniatures teilen mit, dass sie das „The Old Empire“ Projekt, welches im ersten Anlauf gecancelt wurde, noch einmal neu starten.
Greetings warriors. Are you ready for battle?
A few months ago we launched The Old Empire, unfortunately we had to leave the battlefield and cancel the project.
Today, the winds of magic arrive again at Zenit with this army ready to delight all lovers of classic fantasy.We have improved the pledges, added miniatures and prayed to the dead gods that everything is ready for our community, we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
Remember to activate #kickstarternotifications and stay tuned to our social networks.https://www.kickstarter.com/…/zen…/the-old-empire-armies
Quelle: Zenit Miniatures auf Facebook