von BK-Pascal | 19.09.2022 | eingestellt unter: Patreon

White Werewolf Tavern: September Patreon

White Werewolf Tavern haben im September wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.


Dearest friend!
It’s so great to see you in the White Werewolf Tavern! Come on in, take a seat with us by the hearth and prepare to see some wonderful things.
Every month, The White Werewolf Team brings you some incredible 3D miniatures for your tabletop games.
You can expect at least 15 unique and high quality miniatures each month with variants in both, gaming scale (32mm miniatures sets + DnD 5e style stat blocks for our unique models) and painting scale (75mm) and at least 1 bust is always guaranteed. All the miniatures come PRE-SUPPORTED and test printed, making sure that all you have to do is import the STL into your slicer and press print, guaranteeing success every time.
Your support is very important for us!
Become a patron now and get 50+ ultra high quality STL miniatures and 19 bases for $10 – September monthly release „The Werewolf Madness“, Welcome Chest and Second Anniversary Bonus Set!

1.1 September monthly release „The Werewolf Madness“ (26 unique miniatures for Adventurers and Merchants)

White Werewolf diorama heroic miniature
Doll Master Angelica 32mm and 75mm heroic miniature
Waclaw the Werewolf Slayer 32mm and 75mm heroic miniature
Worm, huge creature
Werewolf warriors male set 6 miniatures 32mm
Werewolf warriors female set 6 miniatures 32mm
Wolfs 6 miniatures
4 Busts


1.2 Second Anniversary Bonus Set (8 miniatures)

Krovar the Undying
Azmogius the Rider
Mad Gallarta
Demonic Portal
Evil dogs 3 miniatures set


1.3 19 Unique bases


2. Welcome Chest Busts addition (3 busts)


3. Welcome Chest (12 miniatures)

Oleana the Werewolf Queen
Kunar the Giant Slayer
Demon Huntress
Diorama “Give me the eggs!”
Common Slimer
Slimer with Hamburger
Happy Slimer
Pixie bust
Minotaur bust
Werewolf bust
White Werewolf Shield

Quelle: White Werewolf Tavern auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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