von BK-Bob | 19.10.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

White Werewolf Tavern: Furious Dead Clan

Unter dem Namen Furious Dead Clan veröffentlichen White Werewolf Tavern diesen Monat Orks.

October Release Furious Dead Clan!

Greetings Friends!

Today we have some worrying news for all of you as more and more rumors about the ongoing events in the Orcish Planes reach us with the visitors that come by our humble tavern.

While each retelling varies slightly, one detail remains true. In those desolate lands, a horrible, unholy orc has mastered the forbidden magic of necromancy. This has given Urgaz the Intimidator the ability to build up an army that no other orcish clan was so far able to defeat. Few have joined him in the living, out of fear of having to serve him in their afterlife. And every challenger that has tried to oppose his wicked ways has fallen to his right hand warrior Gashnakh the Ferocious. Could this be the end of the peace that we have gotten used to? Will someone be able to stand up to the horrors that Urgaz is sowing on the lands around us? Let’s see what the power of the “Furious Dead Clan” really has to offer in the October release! (26 unique miniatures for Adventurers and Merchants)

WWT Furious Dead Clan 1

Urgaz the Intimidator – diorama heroic miniature

WWT Furious Dead Clan 2

Urgaz the Intimidator Bust

WWT Furious Dead Clan 3

Larsael the Lightning – heroic miniature
(32mm & 75mm)

WWT Furious Dead Clan 4

Larsael the Lighting Bust

WWT Furious Dead Clan 5

Gashnakh Ferocious – heroic miniature
(32mm & 75mm)

WWT Furious Dead Clan 6

Gashnakh Ferocious Bust

WWT Furious Dead Clan 7

Orc Warrior – Heroic miniature (32mm & 75mm)

WWT Furious Dead Clan 8

Orc beast – Huge creature

WWT Furious Dead Clan 9

Orc rider

WWT Furious Dead Clan 10

Orc warriors Male set – 6 miniatures (32mm)

WWT Furious Dead Clan 11

Orc warriors Female set – 6 miniatures (32mm)

WWT Furious Dead Clan 12

Corrupted orcs set – 6 miniatures (32mm)

WWT Furious Dead Clan 13

11 unique bases

WWT Furious Dead Clan 14

Goblin warriors Bonus Set (32mm)

We hope that you will enjoy this release! Thank all of you amazing people for supporting us, we really couldn’t have done any of this without you.

Stay safe out there!

Sincerely yours
White Werewolf Team

Quelle: White Werewolf Tavern bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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