von BK-Bob | 11.02.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Wargods: Rise of the Crocodile Queen Kickstarter

Crocodile Games sind mit einer Erweiterung für die Sebeki aus WarGods of Aegyptus auf Kickstarter unterwegs.

Rise of the Crocodile Queen: 28mm metal miniatures!

Rise Of The Crocodile Queen 1

An expanded Sebeki warband for WarGods of Aegyptus, by Crocodile Games.

Croc Games got its start way back in 2001, and we’ve been making miniatures for 20 years!  To celebrate this milestone, we’re going back to where it all began: Aegyptus!  Specifically, the Sebeki – the crocodile-headed followers of the god Sobek.  Chris FitzPatrick has sculpted a bunch of new miniatures for the Sebeki for WarGods of Aegyptus, such as the formidable „Queen of the Crocodiles“ and the „Sebeki Flingers“, and even more cool croc-themed models to go along with them.  Help Crocodile Games make these new miniatures a reality!

WarGods miniatures are 28mm ‚heroic‘ scale, compatible with the vast majority of tabletop gaming miniatures and scenery available today.  In the past, Chris FitzPatrick has designed miniatures for Ral Partha (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons), Games Workshop (Warhammer Fantasy Battle & 40k, Mordheim), and created the Pathfinder metal miniature range for Paizo Publishing.  This range of miniatures fits right alongside his past work, and matches them in scale, detail, and animation.

Our miniatures are created in the „Old School“ way – an original sculpture is hand-made using a 2-part epoxy putty – this finished sculpt is called a ‚green‘.  We then make a mold from this green to produce pewter miniatures with immaculate detail.  Some larger models are produced in resin.

All figures are supplied unpainted and unassembled, with plastic slotted bases included.  You can even choose the type of base you would like with your miniatures: square (used for WarGods and other mass-combat games) or round (for painters, or skirmish-style games).  You’ll be able to select which kind of bases you want in the Survey at the end of the program.

To back this program, simply choose the level you want to support from the options to the right.  You’ll be able to add extra miniatures and options as Add-Ons once you’ve chosen a reward level.  Shipping will be calculated after the program has ended based on your location and the weight of your rewards.  When we can get past the funding goal, we’ll sculpt and add additional Stretch Goals to the program.

And now, for the new models:

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Queen of the Crocodiles, original green – sculpted by Chris FitzPatrick

The Queen of the Crocodiles is a mighty Asar warrior who lives among the Sebeki. She is feared and respected by the people of Crocodiliopolis, for those that offend her are dealt swift justice – indeed, she is carrying the head of the latest offender! Her left arm is equipped with a spiked bracer, made from the fang of some gigantic swamp beast. In her right hand she carries a massive bronze battle-axe. She is sculpted so that the axe can be positioned either balanced on her shoulder or held to her side – you decide!

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Sebeki Flingers (6 models)

Sebeki are the biggest and the strongest of the Children of the Gods. They can easily lift boulders that the strongest man could barely roll over. Living with the Sebeki are the City-Dwellers of Crocodiliopolis, humans who worship the Crocodile.

The Asar have equipped the Sebeki with ‚Fling-Poles‘, which the Sebeki use to hurl boulders at their enemy like a catapult. Each fling-team has a Flinger and a Loader. The Asar loads the boulder, and tells the Sebeki where to fling it (the Sebeki are not too bright and have poor eyesight!) Though not very accurate, when they do score a hit the damage is devastating! 3 Fling-teams are included, for a total of 6 models. The Sebeki Flingers will also have official rules for use in WarGods of Aegyptus!

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Crocodiliopolis Archer Unit, unit of 10 models

Sebeki prefer to fight in hand-to-hand combat, so the Asar worshippers of Sobek typically provide missile support in battle. The Crocodiliopolis Archer Unit contains 10 models. Presently there are 3 pose variations included in the assortment. If the initial funding goal is met, we can add a stretch goal to expand the unit with a Captain model, and possibly further variations of the warriors.

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Spearmen of Crocodiliopolis, unit of 10 models

The Crocodiliopolis Spearmen are tough Asar warriors that fight alongside the Sebeki. They come in a unit of 10 models. The warriors are equipped with a spiked spear, and shield made from the shell of a great turtle. They wear thick crocodile-leather clothing, which provides with with the equivalent of light armor. Presently there are 3 pose variations included in the assortment. If the initial funding goal is met, we can add a stretch goal to expand the unit with a Standard Bearer and Musician, and possibly further variations of the warriors.

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Sebeki Warband Deal – remastered and remolded!

The classic, original Sebeki models – with all-new molds made from the original master castings; the detail on these miniatures has never looked so good! All miniatures are unpainted and require assembly. The Sebeki Warband Deal contains the following miniatures:

  • Sebeki Warrior Unit (6 models)
  • Harbinger of Sobek
  • Sebeki Hero, „The Butcher“
  • Sebeki Master of Words
  • Priest of Sobek, with Bes
  • The Croc Games Mascot, (Sebeki Hero)

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Beloved of Sobek – remastered!

The Beloved of Sobek is a giant, feral Sebeki with an insatiable hunger for violence. The Beloved miniature is larger than other Sebeki (normal Sebeki are mounted on 25mm bases, the Beloved is on a 40mm base!) The miniature will be Remastered – remolded from Chris FitzPatrick’s original sculpture, and produced in durable, high-detail resin. Clarification: the Add-Ons page incorrectly states that the Beloved is a metal miniature – it is resin. We can’t update the rewards text now that the program has started.

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20th Anniversary Croc Mascot

A new version of the Croc Games Mascot, updated with an over-the-top action pose. This miniature is being sculpted by Chris FitzPatrick, based on a concept sketch by Des Hanley.

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Sebeki Cook and Stewpot, sculpted by Des Hanley

The Sebeki Cook and his pot of stew (don’t ask the ingredients!) This miniature is being sculpted by the Croc concept artist Des Hanley. The Sebeki Cook and Stewpot will be 2 separate miniatures, produced in resin. The Sebeki Cook will also have official rules for use in WarGods of Aegyptus!

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Nippers, pack of 3 Sebeki youngsters!

The Nippers are enthusiastic, young Sebeki, who help the Cook with his giant pot of stew – think of them as the ancient world’s food delivery service. They are not very reliable though… sometimes they get hungry and eat the stew themselves! The Nippers come in a pack of 3 miniatures, though more models and poses may be added as a stretch goal, once the funding goal is archived. The Nippers will also be able to help the Sebeki Cook on the battlefield, with official rules for use in WarGods of Aegyptus!

Stretch Goals:

Once we’ve made it past the basic funding goal, we’ll add additional rewards at the following funding levels.

$8000 : Nippers +1 – UNLOCKED!

At this level, Fitz will sculpt an additional Nipper miniature, and all Nipper packs will be upgraded to 4 Nippers!

$10,000: Nippers +2 – UNLOCKED!

At this level, Fitz will sculpt an additional Nipper miniature, and all Nipper packs will be upgraded to 5 Nippers!  That’s a lot of li’l Crocs!

$12,000 Archer Captain

At this funding level, Fitz will sculpt a Captain for the the Crocodiliopolis Archer Unit.

$14,000 Spearmen Standard Bearer

Spearmen Standard Bearer: At this funding level, Fitz will sculpt a Standard Bearer for the the Crocodiliopolis Spearmen Unit

$16,000 Spearmen Musician

Spearmen Musician: At this funding level, Fitz will sculpt a Musician for the the Crocodiliopolis Spearmen Unit

…with more stretch goals to come!

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 23 Tage.

Quelle: Rise of the Crocodile Queen: 28mm metal miniatures!


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Sehr schön, dass es hier weiter geht 😀
    Er hat wohl alles etwas kleiner gewählt, daher hoffe ich es dauert diesmal nicht etliche Jahre bis zum Abschluss des KS wie bei seinem letzten Mal. Es wurde damals aber allerdings alles komplett geliefert wie gepledged und aus meiner Sicht gab es keine Kompromisse bei der Qualität!!

    Ich bin also wieder dabei:-)

  • Ich mag die irgendwie. Klare Formen, elegante Figuren. Nicht so überladen, wie vieles Neues.
    Und: es spielt in einem Fantasy Ägypten!

      • Also ich hab die Regeln und habs vor langer Zeit auch gespielt.
        Zwischenzeitlich gabs keine Mitspieler, aber das kann sich ja auch wieder ändern.
        Das Spiel ist jedenfalls sehr, sehr gut.

        Wargods ist eines dieser Spiele, wo einfach alles stimmt. Die Minis sind der Hammer, der Hintergrund ist extrem reizvoll, die Regeln sind taktisch anspruchsvoll, verständlich geschrieben und enthalten viele spaßige und cineastische, hintergrundgetreue Elemente…

        Und die Firma ist sympathisch.

        Ich mein… wo sonst kriegt man das denn bitte alles?

  • Ich wäre da glaube ich gerne dabei. Wie mein Vorredner schon gesagt hat, nicht überladen und einfach mal von simpler(im positiven Sinne) Eleganz und es sind Fantasy Ägypter, selbst wenn man kein Wargods spielt, eigenen die sich für alle möglichen anderen Systeme, sei es King of War oder Saga Age of Magic.

  • Zugegeben, die sind sehr charmant. mein Gehirn sucht schon nach Möglichkeiten das vor mir und meinem pile of shame zu rechtfertigen 😅

    • Da brauchst Du noch einen anderen Grund als den Koch und seine fröhlichen Helfer?
      Die sind ja mal sowas von gesetzt! 🙂

  • They are not very reliable though… sometimes they get hungry and eat the stew themselves!

    Das finde ich irgendwie charmant..

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