von BK-Nils | 06.08.2022 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

Warcry: Kämpferprofile zum freien Download

Für die neue Edition von Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry hat Games Workshop die Profile für die Kämpfer zum freien Download bereitgestellt.

Free Warcry Rules for Your Grand Alliance Order Warbands

Warcry, the fast-paced skirmish game set in the Mortal Realms, kicks off its new edition with the jam-packed Heart of Ghur boxed set. You’ve always been able to use a wide variety of Warhammer Age of Sigmar miniatures in Warcry, but this week we’re giving away free rules for a vast range of fighters to use in the Gnarlwood, starting with Grand Alliance Order. You’ll get updated fighter cards, revised abilities, and a new Reaction for each warband.
Games Workshop Free Warcry Rules For Your Grand Alliance Order Warbands 1

There are many warriors from this Grand Alliance you can use in your games of Warcry, from the Namarti Thralls to the Kharadron Overlords Skywardens. The Thunderstrike Stormcasts are among the most popular, so let’s see how the God-King’s chosen have been updated for the new edition.

Reactions are one of the big incoming changes for Warcry, and the Thunderstrike Stormcasts are getting one of their own – Thunderous Departure.

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Use this when one of your fighters is on their last legs to ensure that whoever takes them down suffers the vengeance of Sigmar.

Many fighter profiles have been updated for the new edition – fighters who are especially fast, tough, or lethal have gone up in points. For example, it now costs 30 more points to add the really killy and unyielding Lord-Imperatant into your warband.

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But for the cost of that increase, the Lord-Imperatant has picked up a handy ranged attack – a pretty good trade-off. This points increase is offset elsewhere in the warband – for example, Vindictors are now cheaper, with an extra attack to boot!

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The other Grand Alliance Order warbands have all undergone similar changes, and they’ve each earned their own unique Reactions.

You can download these updated rules for free now, with hundreds of fighter cards available – including their relevant Monsters. To ensure you get the best experience from your games, these are large files so we recommend you download them over wi-fi.

Order 1 Rules PDF

Order 2 Rules PDF

Cities of Sigmar Rules PDF

Stormcast Eternals Rules PDF

These rules will be made available in physical form later in the year in the Warcry Compendium, which will collate updated rules for all four Grand Alliances.

Free Warcry Rules for Your Grand Alliance Destruction Warbands

The new edition of Warcry is bringing a host of changes to fighter profiles and warband abilities as we get ready to enter the Gnarlwood. Yesterday we shared a whole bunch of new rules for hundreds of warriors fighting for the Grand Alliance of Order, and today it’s the turn of the Harbingers of Destruction.

Games Workshop Free Warcry Rules For Your Grand Alliance Destruction Warbands 1

Ranging from brutal Ironjawz to kunnin’ Gloomspite Gitz, this Grand Alliance boasts a number of warbands with which to conquer the deadly forests of Ghur. Having taken a look at the changes to the Thunderstrike Stormcast yesterday, we’re now examining their most recent rivals, the Kruleboyz.

One of the big changes that the Heart of Ghur launch box brings in its wake is the addition of Reactions, allowing you to respond during an enemy fighter’s activation. Since the Kruleboyz are sneaky lads, they can ambush their foes in a Kunnin’ Trap.

Games Workshop Free Warcry Rules For Your Grand Alliance Destruction Warbands 2

Lay some particularly impressive traps by congregating your fighters around objectives and using this Reaction to give your most lethal fighters a bonus attack – the long reach of a Gutrippa’s wicked stikka or Hobgrot’s scrap-grenade make them perfect for springing from the mists.

Speaking of lethal fighters, the Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof has undergone some changes for the new edition of Warcry. Since he’s so ded fast, ded ‘ard, and ded killy, he’s going up in points.

Games Workshop Free Warcry Rules For Your Grand Alliance Destruction Warbands 3

85 points may seem like a steep increase, even with an extra attack and extra damage – but you can instantly recoup 40 of them when you add an updated Swampcalla Shaman* into your warband.

Games Workshop Free Warcry Rules For Your Grand Alliance Destruction Warbands 4

Every warband in the Grand Alliance of Destruction has undergone a similar rebalancing act, and they’ve each earned themselves a new Reaction for their journey into the Gnarlwood.

Download your updated rules here, featuring fighters, Monsters, and Thralls. To ensure you get the best experience from your games, this is a large file – so we recommend you download it over wi-fi.

Destruction Rules PDF

Now you’ve got your rules, start planning out your next warband!

Free Warcry Rules for Your Grand Alliance Death Warbands

The Warcry: Heart of Ghur boxed set is available to pre-order now, ushering in a new edition of this fantastically fast-paced skirmish game set in the Mortal Realms.

To ensure that older warbands can join in the fun amongst the baleful branches of the Gnarlwood, we’re giving away free rules updates for each and every Grand Alliance this week – we’ve already seen Order and Destruction, and today it’s time for the Bringers of Death to rise from their graves and head to the Realm of Beasts.

Games Workshop Free Warcry Rules For Your Grand Alliance Death Warbands 1

From the twisted Flesh-eater Courts to the floating horrors of the Nighthaunt, this Grand Alliance has a variety of wailing warbands seeking to enact the will of Nagash. To give you an idea of some of the changes for the new edition, we’re focusing on the bony warriors of the Ossiarch Bonereapers.

Reactions are one of the big changes in Warcry’s new edition, and the Rotmire Creed and the Horns of Hashut, are getting their own faction-specific reactions – and so is everyone else. The Ossiarch legions are more skilled than mere zombies or skeletons, and your fighters can unleash this Deathly Prowess in combat.

Games Workshop Free Warcry Rules For Your Grand Alliance Death Warbands 2

Use this when a weaker enemy fighter – or one with few attacks – has the impudence to challenge one of your fighters. Bat aside their blows, then bring the wrath of Katakros himself down upon them.

As we saw yesterday with the Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof, the fastest and most lethal fighters in Warcry have undergone a points increase to reflect their status in the game. The mighty Liege-Kavalos isn’t immune to these rebalancing forces.

Games Workshop Free Warcry Rules For Your Grand Alliance Death Warbands 3

However, he has been blessed by the Mortisans with an extra point of Strength, making it easier for him to slice through any foolish mortals that would stand in his way. Fortunately, his Mortek Guard minions have gone down in points – so you can swarm your foes with boney legions.

Games Workshop Free Warcry Rules For Your Grand Alliance Death Warbands 4

That extra point of damage on a critical hit will come in handy, especially when you pair it with the Nadirite Weapon ability* that the Ossiarch Bonereapers already enjoy.

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The other Grand Alliance Death warbands have undergone similar changes to get them ready for the new edition – download their rules, including warband abilities, fighter profiles, Monsters, and Thralls, below. To ensure you get the best experience from your games, this is a large file – so we recommend you download it over wi-fi.

Death Rules PDF

With the rules in your (virtual) hands, you can start thinking about your next warband.

Free Warcry Rules for Your Grand Alliance Chaos Warbands

After a week where we’ve shared Warcry rules for hundreds of fighters for the Grand Alliances of Order, Destruction, and Death, we’re rounding things out with – yes, you guessed it – the Agents of Chaos.

Games Workshop Free Warcry Rules For Your Grand Alliance Chaos Warbands 1

The forces of Chaos are incredibly diverse, from the mighty Fomoroid Crushers to the swift and deadly Seekers of Slaanesh. To give you an idea of some of the changes these warbands are undergoing, we’re focusing on the Untamed Beasts today.

These hunters of the Jagged Savannah were one of the original Warcry warbands, appearing in the very first starter set for the game’s original launch. Now these savage warriors are heading back home to Ghur, and into its deadly forests. We’ve seen that Reactions are one of the biggest changes for the new edition of Warcry, and all the older warbands are joining in on the fun.

Games Workshop Free Warcry Rules For Your Grand Alliance Chaos Warbands 2

Use Brute Resilience when you need to keep your best fighters in the fray, ready to strike back at the impudence of anyone that would dare to lay a finger on them.

The new edition of Warcry updates many existing fighter profiles – the team behind the game has carefully tweaked them to ensure all of the existing warbands are balanced for use against the new ones. For example, the Heart-eater, the horn-helmed leader of the Untamed Beasts, has gone up by 20 points.

Games Workshop Free Warcry Rules For Your Grand Alliance Chaos Warbands 3

In exchange, he gets extra Strength and an extra attack – all the better for hunting down the wild beasts of Ghur. You can claw back those 20 points on your Beastspeaker, who’s not only gone down in cost, and whose flailing whip now causes even more damage on a critical hit.

Games Workshop Free Warcry Rules For Your Grand Alliance Chaos Warbands 4

ll of the original Warcry Chaos warbands have undergone similar changes, as have their Monsters, Allies, Thralls, and all the other Agents of Chaos, such as the Skaven and Maggotkin of Nurgle. You can download these updated rules for free right now. To ensure you get the best experience from your games, these are large files so we recommend you download them over wi-fi.

Chaos 1 Rules PDF

Chaos 2 Rules PDF

Chaos 3 Rules PDF

Warbands of the Eightpoints Rules PDF

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Bitte mal alle downloaden auch wenn ihr es gleich wieder löscht, Hauptsache GW glaubt/sieht am Ende das kostenlose Regelupdates ne gute Idee sind.

    • Das machen die nur , weil sich die neue Box nicht wie gewünscht verkauft.
      Mein Händler hat gerade einmal ,eine Box als Vorbereitung verkauft und das schon mit Rabatt.
      Ist halt auch sehr kostspielig 🤔

      • Glaube auch, dass sich die Box nicht gut verkauft. Meine beiden Stammläden sind komplett darauf sitzen geblieben. Ich selbst hätte mir eine 155 Euro Box mit Rabatt gekauft, doch dann kam GW und hat mal wieder mit dem Preis zugeschlagen. Wie so häufig in letzter Zeit.

      • Warum sie es machen ist mir egal, hauptsache sie machen es!
        Bei KT gab’s die Kritik, dass sie Lückenfüller-Regeln in ein teures Konpendiumbuch getan haben.

        Hier gibts die Erstausstattung mit Regeln als Download.

        Ich sehe da einen klaren Fortschritt und freue mich darüber

      • Ich kann den Gedankengang nachvollziehen, aber die Downloads waren schon angekündigt bevor die Vorbestellung der neuen Box überhaupt gestartet ist. Unsere Runde freut sich einfach über die Downloads und gut ist.

      • Warum GW das macht ist ja erstmal egal. Wichtig ist, meiner Meinung nach, das man ihnen sagt das es einen gute Idee ist und das sie das gern weiter so machen können.

  • Sind die Regeln abgesehen von den Stats und den Reaktionen eigentlich komplett gleich geblieben?

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