von BK-Nils | 31.07.2022 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Warcradle Scenics: August Neuheiten

Die ersten Gebäude der Red Oak Reihe von Warcradle Scenics sind jetzt einzeln erhältlich.

Warcradle Studios Red Oak Cat House

Red Oak Cat House – 35,00 GBP

Giulianna Starr, proprietor of the Red Oak Cat House has her work cut out for her. Despite there being little in the way of trouble happening inside, thanks to her line up of ornery, repeat ornery, regulars, there’s often enough trouble just outside that spills into her domain. Whether that be bullets flying through windows and walls or the delay of a vital liqueur delivery thanks to a hold up in town. Often the way it’s dealt with is by turning up the volume on the Auto piano and getting the dancers out for an encore. If they can’t prevent the danger bringing down the mood in town at least they can prevent it from bringing down Mme. Starr’s patrons.


  • 1x Red Oak Cat House

Please Note:

  • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).
  • Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required.
  • Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.

Warcradle Studios Red Oak Saloon

Red Oak Saloon – 35,00 GBP

The Red Oak saloon is considered by many to be the dark heart of the town. The local law officials are spread so thinly over the territory that Outlaws and bandits can usually be found drinking and gambling in this perpetually open establishment. Even on a good night of well natured debauchery, violence can explode faster than an RJ bomb. There’s neither the veteran regulars of the Cat House nor the law abiding citizens of the other businesses to protect the peace of the Saloon. People have stopped counting the transients who have newly arrived in town, got drunk at the Saloon, only to be killed in a booze-fueled bust up and then be burned in the crematorium with just their boots and guns left to be sold at the general store.


  • 1x Red Oak Saloon Building

Please Note:

  • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).
  • Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required.
  • Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.

Warcradle Studios Red Oak Crematorium

Red Oak Crematorium – 30,00 GBP

The last place in town anyone wants to visit, and the inevitable last place they do visit, is the Red Oak Crematorium. It’s an unusual site but the local Boot Hill was filled to bursting during the Ore War so most of the locals have got used to the foul-smelling smoke on Sunday afternoons. It’s a good job too. With the town of Red Oak seeming to be a centre of violent outbreaks between Lawmen, Outlaws, the Union and others, the efficiency of the crematorium can’t be over appreciated. If they all had to be dug graves the town might have to hire a gang of constructs from the local Enlightened representative full time.


  • 1x Red Oak „Scuffins & Sons“ Crematorium
  • 1x Conveyor Belt to external Mulcher
  • 2x Levers
  • 1x Tool Wall
  • 1x Incineration Station
  • 2x Advertising Signs
  • 4x Coffins
  • 2x Large Communal coffins
  • 2x Single Coffins

Please Note:

  • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).
  • Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required.
  • Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.

Warcradle Studios Red Oak Metal Smith

Red Oak Metal Smith – 28,00 GBP

The Metalsmith in town is usually tasked with fixing some broken piece of equipment or other that most rough-and-tumble types don’t have the smarts to look after properly. The townsfolk are untrusting of the local Enlightened representatives, even though they are happy to use their labour saving devices. What they don’t know is that the workshop is actually a subsidiary of the nearest Promethean Complex so all their hard earned dollars go straight to them anyway.


  • 1x Metalsmith

Please Note:

  • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).
  • Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required.
  • Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.

Warcradle Studios Red Oak Jail

Red Oak Jail – 20,00 GBP

Despite the town of Red Oak being a place where folks of all kinds pass through, it’s the Jail that has seen more than its fair share of ‘celebrities’. Outlaws that have been the subject of dime novels all across the Union have ended up carving their initials into the walls of these cells. A few have even broken out. Though it’s not just Outlaws who become famous visitors. Wyatt Earp and other well-known Lawmen pass through, sometimes dropping off their latest quary in the Jail until they can be properly tried and sentenced.


  • 1x Red Oak Jail Building

Please Note:

  • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).
  • Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required.
  • Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.

Warcradle Studios Red Oak Prospectors Shack

Red Oak Prospectors Shack – 20,00 GBP

The one place in Red Oak that isn’t busy is the Prospector’s Shack just on the outskirts. Some say it’s haunted and some say that Old Joshua just likes to keep to himself with the aid of a shotgun. Either way, most folks keep their distance. The wagon there hasn’t had horses to pull it for years and has been left to slowly rot. If the far fetched stories and loaded shotgun weren’t enough to keep away any unwanted visitors then the stench of the nearby outhouse sure is.


  • 1x Red Oak Prospector’s Shack Building
  • 1x Prospector Wagon
  • 1x Outhouse / Extension

Please Note:

  • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).
  • Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required.
  • Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.

Warcradle Studios Red Oak Crates, Fences And Barrels

Red Oak Crates, Fences and Barrels – 22,00 GBP

Some of the more well-to-do citizens of Red Oak decided to have fences built around their properties and yards, thinking that it might protect them from the more unsavoury elements that pass through. They were mistaken. At least it stops the drunks from urinating in their backdoors.
The businesses of Red Oak have formed a habit of ordering around ten percent more than they need. This has become a kind of insurance against damage. The inevitable outbreaks of gunfire lead to both sides using whatever is close by as cover, often the recently unloaded wares of a delivery. Sometimes, folks have been known to order empty crates and barrels only to leave them out in the street to protect the more valuable goods. Just in case.


  • 2x 5 Inch Gated Fences
  • 5x 5 Inch Fences
  • 3x Barrels
  • 2x Large Lockboxes
  • 2x Medium Crates
  • 2x Small Crates

Please Note:

  • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).
  • Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required.
  • Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.

Warcradle Studios Red Oak Bridge Set

Red Oak Bridge Set – 22,00 GBP

The bridge in the town of Red Oak is the only one for miles both up and downstream and could be considered a strategic point for anyone with military learning. In fact, given how many have been killed trying to cross it, whether entering or leaving town, the bridge might deserve a place in the history books. At least it would if anyone thought to write a history of Red Oak. Bandits on the run, Lawmen in pursuit, soldiers on both sides of the Ore War; you name them, they’ve had a deadly shootout over this particular river crossing. Red Oak locals are known for patting the steel girder construction as they pass over it to placate any bad mojo that might haunt the place where so much blood has been spilled into the river.


  • 2x Bridges (Compatible with the Red Oak Saloon & Cat House)
  • 1x Pair of steps
  • 3x Crates
  • 3x Cranes

Please Note:

  • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).
  • Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required.
  • Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.

Quelle: Warcradle Studios


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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