von BK-Christian | 14.05.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Vortex: Kickstarter läuft

Alte Handys mit neuer Aufgabe!

Dear Tabletop and Tabletop RPG friends,

I guess a portal brought you here. Well, then I warmly welcome you to a world of smartphone generated vortices being used to pimp up your terrain!

For some time already, I’m really interested in the idea to add modern technology to our hobby without leaving the medium. And the idea about using an item for tabletop gaming that actually everyone owns, a mobile phone, came already during the preparations of my last campaign „Enter“. A lot of good feedback about the included mobile phone portal led my focus on this mechanism. But how could such a phone also be used in other ways?

During christmas time I showed one of my favorite movies to my wife: Indiana Jones and the temple of doom. While the characters were eating snakes and monkey brain on ice, we were eating fish and chips with a lot of fries (here you have the connection to the early bird special). And there was this Kalima cult scene with Mola Ram doing his bloody job at the sacrifical fire pit. I knew, I must do something like that once. And when I remembered this scene, there was the answer to my former question. Put a mobile phone below something. Next, try to put a phone inside something or above something. Play a video from Youtube or Pixabay and you’re table benefits from a great new piece of terrain.

Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 1

The ideas came day by day, depending on into which mood and genre I was at the moment.

It was a great experience to try to connect oldschool and „newschool“ and I’m fully convinced you will enjoy the results of this process!



Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 2

You are one of the first ones supporting me on this journey and I appreciate that a lot! Thanks so much! For this reason I would like to make you a present. I will share a portal to a secret world with you.

One night I had a dream. I was teleported into the land of fries and ketchup. But when I woke up, all was gone. And I was still so hungry. Since this night I have been handicrafting in the basement every day to find a way to reconstruct that portal from my dream. And I finally made it. Here it is, and you even do not have to leave your home to get some fast food!

Ok, this portal is actually nonsense, but I still love it and I can guarantee that your players will have a lot to laugh if you add this to your current adventure campaign. It also is a great present for a fast food loving person. Imagine that on the Chaos Plateau. Oh my god!

The Core Set

The core set is the base of „Vortex“ and contains many options to make use of your mobile phone during your games. There is a good mixture of portals, teleporters or even post-apocalyptic and cyberpunk-style screens. All files are designed in 28mm standard, have been test printed with very common FDM 3D printers (Ender 5 and CR10s-Pro) and do not need supports. All files fit usual FDM print beds of 220x220x300mm or have been precut to fit them. All files of course are up- and downscalable for your needs with common programs.

Modelling for hundreds of different kinds of phones is tricky, if not impossible. So I had to find a sweet spot to fit most ones. All files have been developed to fit the Iphone 11 which is 150.9mm tall, 75.7mm wide and 8.3mm thick according to official sources. This is the max size that works. Otherwise you can upscale of course. I have one here and tried all printed models you that can see on the pictures with it. The models also fit smaller sized phones, maybe even easier. Mine is 146mm tall, 70mm wide and 9mm thick and it also works fine with all the models. This one is the one you can see in the trailer video. The new Iphone 13 with 147mm x 72mm x 7.65 mm according to official sources is somewhere between these measures and therefore should be working. The models haven’t been officially tested with it, but I see not reason why it shouldn´t fit in there. For other phones please just check the span above. Much smaller phones should also work, but of course you might be able to see parts of your phone inside the prepared window.

First of all please notice that 4 playable videos will be included in the set. Those will be two base videos then provided in two different colors each. Commercial tiers can also use them commercially and sell them with the printed models!

Please also note, that this campaign is about terrain only. Miniatures are only used for illustration of the scene. And no, the mobile phone from the trailer is not included ;-).

Lets have a look what you will find in the core set.

Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 3 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 4 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 5

Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 6 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 7

Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 8 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 9

Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 10 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 11 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 12

Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 13 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 14

Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 15 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 16 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 17 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 18 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 19 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 20 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 21

Stretch Goals:

Stretch goals will be unlocked, as soon as the shown amount is reached. Please  note that you can also receive all locked stretch goals by including  the „No limits!“-addon into your pledge. In this case it does not matter for you, if the stretch goals have been unlocked or not – you will definitely get them all! This feature is especially useful, if there is something still locked which actually is a must have for you. Lets have a look what is waiting for you in this section.

Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 22 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 23 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 24 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 25 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 26 Vortex Smart Phone Based Portals 27

Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 10 Tage.

Quelle: Vortex – Smart phone based portals, teleporters and scenery


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Nur 4 Videos? Gerade die machen es ja aus. Ein bißchen dünn.

    Ein Pledge je nach Thema wäre auch schön gewesen.

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