von BK-Nils | 14.05.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

TTCombat: RUMBLESLAM Release

Im großen Freitagskampf treten neue Kontrahenten in Rumbleslam gegeneinander an, mit neuen Modellen von TTCombat.


Tin Khan – 12,00 GBP

Tin Khan is the ruler of an entire province! Very little is known about the mysterious land, other than it is filled with other automatons. Although scholars say that the automatons are entirely devoid of feeling, anyone that has seen Tin Khan after a particularly devastating loss will know that the statement is definitely not true.

**Pre-Order 20th May**

Tin Khan is a slow moving ruler of the ring! He is devastatingly strong, tough and thanks to being made entirely out of metal* is extremely difficult to throw out of the ring. When bouncing off the ropes you had best hope this wrestler doesn’t steam roll over you.

Tin Khan is one of the most durable wrestlers in RUMBLESLAM. Thanks to being a living automaton, he hits hard and has a solid defence, especially with Heavy Metal reducing the damage Tin Khan takes. The unfortunate side effect of being made of metal is that you often end up super slow. Still, when you can’t outrun your opponent, knock them down. Cogwrench Suplex swaps the Khan’s and his targets position, and knocks them down, ready for a metal fist to an unsuspecting face. Camel Clutch is a great option for those high AP characters that might run rings around the Khan. When the Khan manages to pass a crowd pleaser he turns into a veritable juggernaut, but be careful, Overclock also causes Tin Khan to lose stamina.

*Contains 1 resin miniature, 1 character card, and 1 clear acrylic base. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


Djinn Diesel – 12,00 GBP

There are two things that this Djinn holds in higher regard than anything else: upholding the magical sanctity of the wish-granter, and FAMILY!

**Pre-Order 20th May**

Djinn Diesel is here to grant Three Wishes to fellow wrestlers whilst rolling dice as fast and furiously as possible, just be careful not to lose his lamp!

This Superstar is a solid all-rounder but offers great support to friendly wrestlers thanks to his ‚Three Wishes‘ ability. Starting the game with 3 Golden Dice, at any time after rolling dice with any friendly wrestler, that wrestler may choose to make a SINGLE wish and add a Golden Dice to their roll. That’s some powerful magic! Djinn is always looking to unleash his Phenomenal Cosmic Powerbomb but be mindful of his ‚Itty Bitty Living Space‘ as if he’s KO’d, he returns to his lamp and counts as a weight 1 wrestler.

Contains 1 resin miniature, 1 character card, and 1 clear acrylic base. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


Catalya – 8,00 GBP

Catalya comes from a large family of wrestlers, although very few have become RUMBLESLAM Superstars! 

**Pre-Order 20th May**

Catalya is a born and bred wrestler, though her gladiatorial family have given her teeth in the ring!

Catalya is an expert support grappler, with a solid defence to boot. Not only does she bring some feline grace with the Feline special rule (that all Rostani share), she also spits straight fire! Her Catty by Nature Crowd Pleaser can even strip opposing wrestlers of their Crowd Pleaser, talk about a put down! We haven’t even gotten to her Discus Clothesline, with Knockdown, it’s the perfect setup for her other moves. Once Catalya has given both a literal and verbal beatdown, her Bow & Arrow Stretch can really put a pin in an enemy’s day!

Contains 1 resin miniature, 1 character card, and 1 clear acrylic base. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.



Stargaters – 15,00 GBP

From an unknown galaxy, Colonel Russ has arrived through a Spacegate and joined the fun happening at the Diamond Oasis. Luckily for this sunglass wearing solider, he’s got backup in the form of Stargator who owes a life debt to the Colonel.

**Pre-Order 20th May**

Stargaters are a space warping, go down fighting kind of tag-team. You’ll definitely need some T’LC after facing this duo in the ring!

The Stargaters are the latest Space Gate wielding wrestlers to arrive in the Diamond Oasis. Colonel Russ‘ is a good all rounder but is the squishier of this tag-team. Good thing he’s got Stargator’s super tough scales to make up for it. Not only does Stargator have a solid defence, he’s also got a Big Bite! A hefty attack that inflicts Bleeding. Being part Alligator, Stargator knows how to roll, with his Death Glider Roll leaving his opponents dizzy.

Colonel Russ isn’t without a few tricks of his own, for one he’s brought a gun! Don’t worry, it’s only a Squirt Gun. Between his water pistol and Snake Eyes grapple, Russ can really put down some suppressive fire, dishing out -AP counters like he was in an action movie.

The pair of them bring some Space Gates. These can be set up in unoccupied spaces in the ring and when ANY friendly wrestler moves onto one they are teleported onto the second gate. Better yet, these Space Gates can’t be used in any other way (including by enemies).

Contains 2 resin miniatures, 2 character card’s, 2 Resin Space Gates and 2 clear acrylic bases. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

Quelle: TTCombat


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ich kann das Spiel jedem empfehlen, der ein spaßige Spiel für zwischendurch sucht. Bin sehr zufrieden..

  • Finds geil wie hier echte Wrestler*innen immer neu interpretiert werden. Hier sinds wohl der legendäre Iron Sheik mit seinen Persian Clubs, Diesel Kevin Nash und Natalya.

    • Wobei die Ähnlichkeit zu Kevin Nash eher auf dem Namen beruht, sieht eher aus wie Will smith in Aladin … Natalya und The Iron Shek finde ich schon besser getroffen, allerdings fehlen die „Höcker“ an den Stiefeln.

      Die Stargaters gefallen mir ausgesprochen gut. Hol ich mir bei Gelegenheit, bisher bin erst beim Undertaker schwach geworden, der ist sogar schon bemalt. Was ich cool fände wären die Rhodes-(Stief)brüder als Stardust und Golddust.

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