von BK-Thorsten | 22.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: Carnevale, Terrain / Gelände

TTCombat: Preiserhöhung

TTCombat kündigen eine Preiserhöhung zum 01. April an und werden einige Produkte sogar aus dem Shop entfernen.

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Important: Pricing and Stock Update

Today we have some new on upcoming pricing changes.


Unfortunately due to the rising cost of materials we have to increase the price of some of our products. Notably our MDF, which has remained without a price increase for years, is having to go up. Due to the cost of raw materials (anyone who has put up a fence in the last couple of years will know this!), it’s hitting wargaming too.


1st April 2022. We’ve managed to avoid putting up prices on older products for almost a decade now, but we’re afraid it’s time.

What’s Affected?

The price increases will affect almost all products from our MDF Tabletop Scenics ranges.

Some of the larger kits will remain at the same price, such as the Municipium board deals, which remain excellent value for running tournaments and practising for the London Grand Tournament. In addition, our Hobby Accessories range such as paint racks will stay the same cost for now, although we may have to review this range at a later date.

Resin miniatures from our Carnevale and RUMBLESLAM ranges will be affected, but luckily not too much.

Fantasy Heroes prices might also increase in the future bt are not presently. Dropzone and Dropfleet Commander will not be increasing in price at present.

How Much?

Mostly it will be bringing older kits in line with newer kits, so there won’t be too many surprises here.

Older £22 boxed sets will be increasing to £25 to match the newer releases, and the prices of some blisters are going to change. Starter sets will remain the same great value.

Independent retailers who stock our products should expect a full list shortly.


Finally, some of our MDF kits are being discontinued, so from today they will be moved to the Last Chance to Buy section of the webstore. These will be older kits from the following ranges:

  • City Streets
  • Fantasy Realms
  • Sci-Fi Gothic
  • Streets of Venice
  • Wild West (Original range)

Once these kits are sold out on the webstore, they will not be available to buy again.

We’ve made this decision to ensure we can focus on the remaining kits going forward, whilst developing new products. You might even see some of these older sets being redesigned from scratch, like the amazing new Wild West buildings.

We’re discontinuing several of the Modular Streets of Venice kits, but while they won’t be able to be purchased individually in the future we will be bundling them into sets (which will be better value) so they will thankfully not be gone forever. However, if you’re just after one or two missing buildings from your collection, get them now.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Boah die schlimme Nachricht ist viel mehr das beenden der Fantasy realms Reihe. Ich hab alles gekauft als die anfingen mit savage realms aber dann kam das Mordheimzeug und da hab ich genau nichts von, die gab’s jetzt auch nicht so lange 😅

    • So wie ich das verstehe werden nur ältere Sets aus o.g.Serien eingestellt und nicht die ganzen Serien an sich.
      Quasi alles was aktuell als ‚last chance to buy‘ auf der ttcombat Website zu finden ist.
      Die neueren (und subjektiv schöneren) Designs bleiben erhalten.

    • „Finally, some of our MDF kits are being discontinued, … RUMBLESLAM … Once these kits are sold out on the webstore, they will not be available to buy again.“

      Falls Du Dich darauf beziehst, ich denke, damit sind lediglich die Rumbleslam-Ringe gemeint. Das Spiel gibt’s weiterhin – oder überlese ich da was?

      • Sehe ich auch so: Bei Rumbleslam gehen die alten Ring-Designs in den Abverkauf, es bleiben die zwei neuen, preiswerteren Varianten erhältlich. Das Spiel an sich bleibt im Programm von TTC.

      • Sorry, wenn ich Verwirrung stiftete: Unter der Rubrik „Last Chance to Buy“ finden sich zwar beide Varianten des Championship Rings, aber der Superstar Ring und der Deluxe Ring sind weiterhin im regulären Programm gelistet. Der Ring bleibt als uns als markantes Geländestück durchaus erhalten – was mich freut, denn ich habe noch keinen.

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