von BK-Herr Kemper | 13.04.2022 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

TTCombat: Gelände Neuheiten

TTCombat zeigen Previews von  neuem Gelände.

Teaser Terrain Tuesday

On this week’s Teaser Tuesday we’ve got a huge number of new terrain products coming out this Friday!


Carnevale players have been treated recently. When Blood on the Water was released, it was followed by a large number of new Miniatures and MDF terrain. Now it’s time to add even more options to the Streets of Venice.

Calle de la Cenere


The Calle de la Cenere is a beautiful addition to any player’s ever-growing Carnevale tabletop. This set of 5 buildings is versatile and adds new movement options thanks to its various building heights. This set is a part of our Modular Venetian range and is designed to work with previous releases.

Calle de la Fiore


Fancy a new home with a view? The Calle de la Fiore adds just that. This set of 3 individual buildings can either be connected or spread across the tabletop. Additionally, thanks to its varying structure heights players will be able to quickly gain elevation.

However, this week isn’t just for the Venetians as we’ve got a load of new Sci-Fi Gothic terrain.

Bolstered Drop Alternator

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The Bolstered Drop Alternator is one of the latest Resin additions to our Sci-Fi Gothic range.  Thanks to its ability to alternate interior columns and add an optical radar dish so ensure you defend this strategic point at all costs. You’ll be able to pick up this alternator this Friday.

Bolstered Drop Emplacement

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What’s the best way to deploy new troops? Drop them from the sky! The Bolstered Drop Emplacement will let you add some extra firepower to your forces. Provided with a choice of either the Quad Accelerator or a Hydra Missile System you have new ways of fending off foes. You can drop this resin into your shopping cart this Friday.

Bolstered Munitions

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Ahhh where would we be without our genetically modified super soldiers? Thanks to the Bolstered Munitions Resin Accessories set you’ll be able to keep the juggernaut’s supplied. Ideal for use as a strategic point or scatter terrain this set is a must. This mass of crates contains ammo, guns, and even a vox-transceiver.

Tomb World Pillars

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Has anyone recently awoken after a millennia in their tomb and need something adorn the battlefield with some pillars? Well we’ve got the ideal thing to get those undead robotic legs moving. The Tomb World Pillars are thick, chunky and made in the same style as our tomb worked bases. This resin set will be available for purchase this Friday.

That’s it for teasers this week, be sure to check back on Friday to see the full release. In the meantime head over to the TTCombat webstore to access our full range of Resin and MDF.

Quelle: TTCombat

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Die Häuser im Mediterranen Stil gefallen mir richtig gut. So was kann man gut in MDF umsetzen. Auch die SciFi Gebäude und das sonstige Gelände finde ich klasse – vor allem der Dawn of War Style Generator.

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