von BK-Nils | 19.11.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Terrain / Gelände

TTCombat: Neueheiten

Es gibt wieder einen Schwung an Neuheiten von TTCombat, mit Nachschub für Carnevale, großen Monstern von Max Mini und Gelände.

Gifted Carnevale Characters, Giants Spiders and Boxed MDF!

More and more characters are being spotted along the canals of Venice! Rumours of Giant spiders are coming from the Fantasy Realms and new terrain is here!

Welcome to this week’s New Release article and today we have multiple products heading to TTCombat and Max Mini. It’s a fantastic time to be getting into Carnevale! With Christmas (I know its a bad word) nearly upon us, this is a great time to gift friends some…Gifted characters! ha-ha hilarious. Additionally, we have some Giant miniatures available today.

Artist and Painted Protectors

TTCombat Gifted Carnevale Characters, Giants Spiders And Boxed MDF! 1

Maria Fioritura is one of the Gifted citizens granted mysterious powers by the Rent. A skilled artist before gaining her god-like powers, Maria has brought to life her own Painted Protectors. Incredibly tough her Knights are ware soluble so maybe keep them away from the docks. Everyone should beware Maria who is a powerful mage with access to 3 different disciplines besides her own Creative Creation spell.

You pre-order the powers of Maria today for  £15.


TTCombat Gifted Carnevale Characters, Giants Spiders And Boxed MDF! 2

Ahhh the tale of Pierrot is a tragic one. Pierrot is the Everyman or everyone could be Pierrot? Able to blend into the crowd, your never sure when a Pierrot might pop up next! If you or your enemy are using Pierrot then be on your guard… that Gondoliere could be Pierrot, that small Urchin could be Pierrot or that Pierrot could be another PIERROT! God this is getting confusing. Basically if your character is about to be charged but Pierrot is within 6′ of base contact then fear not, the enemy actually hit a Pierrot and not someone more valuable.

You can pre-order a trio of Pierrot today for £15.

Executioner & Crucifiers

TTCombat Gifted Carnevale Characters, Giants Spiders And Boxed MDF! 3

For the glory of God, heretics and heathens shall not be permitted to live! We will end their suffering if they refuse to accept the Vatican’s path. Executioners and Crucifiers are tasked with ending the lives of those that refuse to bow before the church.

You can pre-order these new sculpts today for £15.

Demagogue & Urchins

TTCombat Gifted Carnevale Characters, Giants Spiders And Boxed MDF! 4

Demagogue says we should make friends with the mysterious fishmen. Going on about how they’re ”real nice once you get to know them.” I don’t know about you but im staying well away from that dog looking shark thing. This Demagogue is able to inspire and incite your forces to prove themselves for Dagon. Supported by to young Urchins, these hybrids and more than happy to cause mischief.

You can pre-order this blister of new sculpts today for £15.

Besides these latest Carnevale miniatures, we also have some big additions going to Max Mini!

Colossal Trampler

TTCombat Gifted Carnevale Characters, Giants Spiders And Boxed MDF! 5

This thing is HUGE! Imagine being a Halfling enjoying your life in little Babylia or little Skjarr and this brute decides grandma is looking good enough to eat. The Colossal Trampler is the biggest miniature in the Fantasy range of products and is just under 30cms tall from base to club.

You can pre-order this brute today for only £60!

Savage Domain: Marauder Outpost

TTCombat Gifted Carnevale Characters, Giants Spiders And Boxed MDF! 7

The Marauder Outpost has received a needed updated. Now easily displayed on shelves or storefronts, the new Marauder Outpost like its predecessor is ideal for fantasy-based wargames and contains multiple walls, walkways, and towers. This modular kit is designed to work with other terrain pieces from our Savage Domain range of fantasy products. Additionally thanks to a simple design theres no correct way to layout the fortifications so be creative!

Made for 28-32mm wargames, you can purchased this boxed terrain for £32.

Space Elf Encampment

TTCombat Gifted Carnevale Characters, Giants Spiders And Boxed MDF! 8

Space elves often encamp themselves in fragile looking structures but don’t let that fool you! These building are stronger than they look and are often supported by shield generators. The Space Elf Encampment contains 1 tower, 3 generators, 2 stargates, 2 spirit beacons and 10 barricades.

Designed for 28-32mm tabletop wargames, you can purchase this set today for £32.

Savage Domain: Barbarian Encampment

TTCombat Gifted Carnevale Characters, Giants Spiders And Boxed MDF! 9

The Savage Domain: Barbarian Encampment has received an upgrade!  If you listen closely you can hear the cheers of the Barbarians now they’ve received a superior home. This modular kit contains multiple buildings and can be interlinked through bridges, ramps and ladders. Now this kit is a superior update to the previous encampment but luckily this new kit can be combined with the old.

You can purchase the new Barbarian Encampment today for £22.

Savage Domain: Palisade Walls

TTCombat Gifted Carnevale Characters, Giants Spiders And Boxed MDF! 10

The Palisade walls is a great kit containing multiple walls which can be used to enclose are and therefore provide protection. Now, you want find any dramatic changes from the previous edition besides a new wall style and barricades. Designed for 28-32mm tabletop wargames, this kit will work great with other Savage Domain products.

You can purchase the Palisade Walls today for £12.

Quelle: TTCombat


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Pierrot ist eine gute Ergänzung für meine Gifted. Carnevale ist ein super System und Rumbleslam ebenfalls. Bin gespannt, wie es mit Carnevale weitergeht.

  • Kurze Frage von mir, der das Spiel nicht kennt: Geht’s bei Carnevale nicht um Parcours-ähnliche Aktion mit viel Herumgespringe und spektakulären Aktionen? … Warum stehen die Modelle dann so steif da? Hat das irgendeinen Hintergrund?

      • Jo.. wenn ein Charakter in 6 Zoll um Pirrot angegriffen wird, kannst du die Modelle tauschen. Pirrot kassiert den Angriff und der andere kommt davon. Pirrot ist halt der Durchschnitt, der irgendwie aussieht wie alle.. Mehr kann der auch nicht, schon eine tragische Figur.

    • Pirrot und der Executioner gehören zu den Gifted und dem Vatikan. Pirrot ist der Dude der einfach in der Gegend rumsteht und nicht auffällt, während der Executioner ein Dammage Dealer ist. Der Vatikan ist eher gepanzert und langsam. Springen und klettern ist eher die Gilde, die teilt zum Beispiel nicht gut Schaden aus und muss mehr auf Szenario spielen. Wenn du dir die Miniaturen der Gilde ansiehst (zum Beispiel den Rialto Assassinen) , die sind dynamischer. Im Grunde passen die Miniaturen zu ihren Rollen auf dem Schlachtfeld. Die verschiedenen Fraktionen haben auch verschiedene Spielweisen.

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