von BK-Thorsten | 25.07.2022 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

TTCombat: Neue Gebäude und Tufts

Bei TTCombat kann man jetzt das Gras wachsen hören. Direkt neben den neuen Gebäuden.

Ttcombat RueLapierre 01 Ttcombat RueLapierre 02 Ttcombat RueLapierre 03 Ttcombat RueLapierre 04 Ttcombat RueLapierre 05


 „Looking for something? Why not check downtown.. They have everything a soul could want for.“

Rue Lapierre provides two large downtown buildings for your deep south board. A large shop and an open fronted townhouse with balcony. Both buildings have playable roof space for anyone daring enough to make use of it! Combine this kit with other French Quarter buildings range to create a sprawling board!

The Rue Lapierre kit is made from 3mm MDF. It is a great scenery kit to use in eldritch fantasy skirmish games, and will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures.

Ttcombat ThibeauAvenue 01 Ttcombat ThibeauAvenue 02 Ttcombat ThibeauAvenue 03 Ttcombat ThibeauAvenue 04 Ttcombat ThibeauAvenue 05 Ttcombat ThibeauAvenue 06 Ttcombat ThibeauAvenue 07 Ttcombat ThibeauAvenue 08 Ttcombat ThibeauAvenue 09 Ttcombat ThibeauAvenue 10 Ttcombat ThibeauAvenue 11 Ttcombat ThibeauAvenue 12 Ttcombat ThibeauAvenue 13 Ttcombat ThibeauAvenue 14 Ttcombat ThibeauAvenue 15


 „Birds sing in the trees as the residents wake to the early morning sun.“

Thibeau Avenue is a quaint little street corner of smaller residential buildings and a shop. Designed with back alleys in mind you can layout this set on your deep south board to outmanoeuvre your opponent.

The Rue Lapierre kit is made from 3mm MDF. It is a great scenery kit to use in eldritch fantasy skirmish games, and will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures.

Ttcombat Entrepot 01 Ttcombat Entrepot 02 Ttcombat Entrepot 03 Ttcombat Entrepot 04 Ttcombat Entrepot 05 Ttcombat Entrepot 06 Ttcombat Entrepot 07 Ttcombat Entrepot 08 Ttcombat Entrepot 09 Ttcombat Entrepot 10 Ttcombat Entrepot 11 Ttcombat Entrepot 12


„Crates creak and boxes bang in the warehouse, what could be inside? Spiced rum? Maybe some bourbon for the Auberge Beaumont?

The Entrepôt is a great individual kit to provide a little extra detail to your board. With multiples levels, walls and a playable interior, it’s a must have! Use the pieces detached to make its own compound, or, part of a normal street with the walls marking off another section of the board.

The Entrepôt kit is made from 3mm MDF. It is a great scenery kit to use in eldritch fantasy skirmish games, and will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures.

TuftsMainImagecopy A Necropolis Tuft Background Copy BSavannahTuftBackgroundcopy C Arctic Tuft Background Copy E Summer Tuft Background Copy G Forest Tuft Background Copy HPrairieTuftBackgroundcopy I Grassland Tuft Background Copy K Yellow Meadow Tuft Background Copy L Blue Meadow Tuft Background Copy


„Once the grass is applied, my diorama is complete! Just have to finally decide what colour tuft to apply, decisions.“

Easy to use self adhesive tufts. Great for basing any miniatures or scenic pieces with 108 tufts in 3 different sizes. 40 small, 40 medium and 28 large.

Contains small pieces with adhesive pre-applied to each tuft.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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