Torchlight Models: Februar Patreon
Torchlight Models präsentieren auf Facebook ihren Februar Patreon.
Greeting Brothers!This February you can get „TOMB RIDERS“ Fantasy Football Team by only 7 €.Its a pleassure to offer to you the „Tomb Riders Fantasy Football Team“By only 7 € you can get:In our February release named „Tomb Riders“ Fantasy Football Team“ you will get:x5 Tomb Riders Skeleton Linemen.x2 Tombr Riders Blitzers.x2 Tomb Riders Thrower.x4 Mummies.Also, you have the access to our wellcome pack. This set contain:x1 Barbarian Hero.x1 Wizard Hero.x1 Cleric Hero.x1 Soldier Hero.x1 Rogue Hero.x1 Whitch Hunter Hero.x1 Paladin Hero.x1 Bard Hero.x1 Druid Hero.x1 Ranger Hero.Cheers;Torch; The Black Shepherd.
Quelle: Torchlight Models auf Facebook