von BK-Bob | 25.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Titan Forge: April Patreon Preview

Im April marschieren die Zwerge bei Titan Forge auf.

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April full Preciew. First look at Mortal Enemies.


This month we have a surprise for you, as the Titans of Adventure line is very popular we decided to go a step further and introduce opponents for your heroes. So from April every month we will provide you with several small monsters and one bigger one. As you probably noticed the Titans themselves have been expanded a bit and now each of them will have 2-3 additional slightly different variants. We hope you like these changes.

And now it’s time for the main topic of April, that is Hillhammer Dwarves. Lets venture in to the dwarven kingdom of Mal-Karagth which spans across the whole Morvinian Mountains and further east on the barren hillside that gently leads toward the ocean. Its magnificent capital, the Great Tokha, was carved below and inside the range’s tallest peak of the same name. The dwarves used the stone rubble leftovers from hollowing the mountain and carving underground complexes to raise a no less breathtaking web of defensive structures on the ground. This unified and well-planned defense system has proved many times that conquering the Mal-Karagth dwarves borders impossibility.

Even unparalleled structures and fortifications tend to be nothing without the people crewing them. The kingdom’s special force, the Hammers of Mal-Karagth, stands between its lands and enemies. Equipped with the best weapons and armor the Tokhan blacksmiths can create, the Hammers invoke the ancient powers dwelling in runes. While seasoned and veteran soldiers constitute the bulk of the army, powerful runecarvers control golems and unleash elemental forces that slumber beneath the earth.

TF Crew

Quelle: Titan Forge Miniatures


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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    • Ja, der einzige Wermutstropfen ist, dass die Frauen keine Bärte haben. Es weiß doch jeder, dass alle Zwergenfrauen auch Bärte habe, deswegen sieht man die nie. 🤣

      • Wenn alle Zwergenfrauen Bärte haben, dann werden das hier wohl einfach keine Frauen sein. Denn die haben schließlich keinen Bart.

        Mir gefallen diese Zwerge wesentlich besser als die eigenen von Titan Forge, diese Cyborg -Zwerge.

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