von BK-Bob | 15.11.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

The Printing Goes Ever On: Call to Arms Customizer Bundle

Diesen Monat gibt es bei The Printing Goes Ever On ein neues Bundle für ihren Customizer.

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November 2022 Release – Chapter 28 – Call to Arms | Interactive Modular Customizer Bundle

Make your army EFFICIENTLY with our custom 3D miniature builder app!

Patrons receive access to this customizer bundle FOREVER and can export models without limits!

Make sure you’re logged in with Patreon and use this link to open the customizer:


If you haven’t been a Patron during a customizer bundle drop, here’s how it works:

First, try out the app yourself! https://www.theprintinggoeseveron.com/customizer/

(please be patient, it can load for a minute or two, for slower internet connections)

By being a Patron during a month when a customizer bundle is available, you receive it (unlock it) in your TPGEO library on the website. You have lifelong access and have no exporting limitations for that given bundle.

You save more than $50 by getting it when it’s on Patreon, as previous customizer bundles are one of the more expensive products due to the number of individual components and pre-supports that had to be made.

🧡 You can mix and match elements: bodies, heads, weapons for both hands, accessories and cloak/back items, and bases.

🧡 Plus, you can also mirror a whole miniature while still in-app. You know, for more pose diversity.

🧡 Next, you can export the model as either a merged miniature (base exported separately for ease of pre-supporting, unlike in Hero Forge), or as pre-supported bits you can instantly print and then glue together to make the model you configured.

🧡 The mini comes in a ZIP file that you can unpack and throw all the files in your slicer. You don’t need to worry about finding correct files in folders nor think about mirroring – all is there.

P.S. You can also share your builds with others using the Share option. This is especially useful for Merchants selling prints!

You can unlock previous customizer bundles from the app directly, or find them here (yes, your 40% discount works on those as well):



⚜️ CHAPTER 28 – November 2022 Release – Call to Arms

  • 28mm Pre-supported Customizable Models:
    4x Archer
    1x Archer Mounted
    4x King’s Guard
    1x King’s Guard Mounted
    3x Knight Mounted
    1x Knight on foot
    4x Men-at-arms
    3x Ranger
    1x Ranger Mounted
    4x Soldier
    1x Soldier Mounted
  • Mounts:
    6x Horse
  • Over a HUNDRED various bits:
    Sculpted Bases (medium and large size)
  • Coming later this month:
    Trebuchet – siege machine
    Ballista – siege machine

Quelle: The Printing Goes Ever On bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Wirkt das nur so, oder sind die Minis von denen etwas comichaft und passen deshalb nicht so ganz zum 28mm Heroic Scale von GWs Herr der Ringe?

    • Ich verstehe nicht ganz was Du meinst? Comic-haft verstehe ich als Design/Style. Und 28mm Scale als Größe. Das wären für mich erstmal zwei verschiedene Dinge, denn beim 3D-Druck, kann ich ja ggf. Skalieren auf die Größe die ich haben will.
      Oder meinst Du, dass die Proportionen dann nicht passen, wenn man auf 28mm Heroic skaliert?

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