von BK-Nils | 24.06.2022 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

The Horus Heresy: Contemptor Dreadnought Preview

Der mächtige Contemptor Dreadnought steht diese Woche im Fokus des Heresy Donnerstags mit einem Ausblick auf seine Waffenoptionen.

Heresy Thursday – You Thought the Contemptor Dreadnought Was Awesome? Check Out Its New Options

You never know what you’re going to face on the battlefields of the Horus Heresy, so why not just strip the whole armoury on the way out and decide en route? The Contemptor Dreadnought was already laden with weapon options in the Age of Darkness boxed set, but soon it’s striking out on its own – and it’s bringing everything save the kitchen sink.
Games Workshop Heresy Thursday – You Thought The Contemptor Dreadnought Was Awesome? Check Out Its New Options 1

In addition to what its boxed-set cousin gets, this Contemptor packs four new main guns – a conversion beam cannon, a Kheres assault cannon, a volkite dual-culverin, and a gravis plasma cannon – and plenty of extra decorative options. That means, inside just one box, you get:

  • One ultra-posable Contemptor Dreadnought chassis
  • Two heads, one of which can equip an optional helical targeting array
  • Four chestplate styles, with Loyalist and Traitor options
  • Two big old punchy hands, buildable as fists* or chainfists
  • Five different guns to go in those fists
  • Eight different arm-mounted guns, usable on the right or left side
  • A havoc missile launcher
  • Fetching shield and scroll details to smarten up your chassis

No matter what your opponent throws at you, there’s a suitable weapon for the job, and some of them are classic favourites with a new lease of life.

Games Workshop Heresy Thursday – You Thought The Contemptor Dreadnought Was Awesome? Check Out Its New Options 2

Take the conversion beam cannon, for instance. Rare even during the days of the Great Crusade, these weapons get stronger the further away their target is. Their beams consolidate from Rhino-tickling lasers into tank-obliterating death rays when given enough time to focus, and – as if being reduced to sizzling atoms weren’t bad enough – they have a tendency to blind anything that survives.

Games Workshop Heresy Thursday – You Thought The Contemptor Dreadnought Was Awesome? Check Out Its New Options 3

Since these guns can be mounted on either arm, you can double up and build two highly specialised gun platforms by combining the contents of two boxes. While your lascannon-toting tank hunter works his way through a Spartan’s incredibly thick armour, his towering brother-in-arms can shred the Space Marines who stumble out of the resulting wreck with Kheres-pattern assault cannons.

However you want to dispose of your snivelling Loyalist/grotesque Traitor foes, this upgunned Contemptor Dreadnought has just what you’re looking for. Join us again next week for more reveals that’ll really put some iron in your blood.

* Their fists can even have regular chunky fingers or vicious clawed hands.
Quelle: Warhammer Community

Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Hässlich und sieht fragil aus.. ein paar Waffenoptionen dazu mit anderem Design und fertig für ca. 80€.. wahrscheinlich?

  • „You Thought the Contemptor Dreadnought Was Awesome?“ – Ehrlich gesagt… nein.

    — Und ich bitte diesen Kommentar zu ignorieren, ich hab es wirklich versucht ihn mir zu verkneifen 😱 —

  • Mir gefällt der Bausatz und jetzt macht der AoD Contemptor auch mehr Sinn. Hatte mich schon gewundert, dass das nur zwei Rahmen sind, scheint die restlichen Optionen stecken dann im dritten Rahmen.
    Besonders gut am neuen Contemptor finde ich, dass sich die Waffen mit 4mm Scheiben einfach magnetisieren lassen sollen. Hier sind entsprechende Löcher direkt im Gelenk vorhanden.
    Super finde ich, dass mit dem „vollständigen“ Bausatz dann alle Optionen direkt vorhanden sind.
    Wahrscheinlich hole ich mir eine Box um die AoD Dreads zu pimpen. 🙂

  • Was ich wirklich Awesome finde ist der AWS-9Q mit 4 PPCs und 19 DHS.

    BTT: Es gibt einfach schönere Dreadnoughts, der hier wird an mir vorbeigehen, trotz meines Faibles für Kampfläufer.

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