von BK-Christian | 09.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

The Elves of Anar Oras: Kickstarter läuft

Ein weiterer Kickstarter bringt druckbare Elfen zu uns.

The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 1

This project will contain 3d printable 32mm Elven miniatures that can be used in miniature wargames.  My goal is to build an entire army with all the various unit types for a variety of different proxies.

With your help we can finally bring This Sun Elf army to life.  Your pledge will push

this project one step closer to being fully realized.

This does not contain physical miniatures only printable stl files.

The Elves of Anar Oras

Far to the west past the forest of Quel Orn is the Isle of Anar Oras, home to the Sun Elves. Known as the land of endless sunsets this is the capital of the High elf Kingdom. Splashes of oranges and yellow clash against a turquoise sky, A world of the blazing golden sun and sweeping grassy fields.

Finally the Sun elf army of the Mini Enthusiast Dreams. Print to your hearts content with this heroic scale high elf army.

  • These Printable miniatures will allow you to create an army of sun elves for your table.
  • All of the files are scaled to 32mm and will come fully supported in chitubox.
  • Your Pledge gives you access to all the models listed in the project.
  • Everthing will be test printed on a Elegoo Mars Pro with Elegoo ABS like resin Grey.
  • some of the models may have to be altered to improve printing or quality.

The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 2 The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 3 The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 4 The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 5 The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 6 The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 7

Das sind die Modelle im Überblick:

The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 8 The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 9 The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 10 The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 11 The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 12 The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 13 The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 14 The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 15

Stretch Goals:

The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 16 The Elves Of Anar Oras Kickstarter 17

Quelle: The Elves of Anar Oras


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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