von BK-Christian | 13.07.2022 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

The 28mm ScorpionMech: STL-Kickstarter

Ein neues Modell zum Selberdrucken sucht Unterstützer.

The 28mm ScorpionMech 1

Eerie in the contrast of their lethal size and silent movement, ScorpionMechs are deployed on the orbital and planetside battlefield when no quarter is to be given to the enemy, and none expected.

The 28mm ScorpionMech 2

They’re colony killers.

You send them in when you want the enemy base and any feeble defenders protecting it razed to the ground.

The 28mm ScorpionMech 3 The 28mm ScorpionMech 4

These scuttling terrors can chop enemy armors in half in close quarters or pound them to pieces from a distance. Using a variety of modular payloads, the ScorpionMech can tailor its weapons suite to the mission, whether it be cold, quiet up-close killing, napalm and gatling cascades at ballistic distances, or missiles beyond the horizon.

The 28mm ScorpionMech 5

(Pre-production 28mm ScorpionMech sample shown with additional Viper Suit weaponry.  Waldo and PugBots shown for size ref)

Though they usually make their way overland to the target, there are rumors of ScorpionMechs deploying from orbit with bolted-on belly packs containing fuel and maneuvering thrusters.  The thought of an orbital insertion of these lethal machines is terrifying, but not beyond reason.  There is even a confirmed case of a jetpack-equipped ScorpionMech being used to rip a pirate raider’s ship to pieces during an attempted boarding action.  Needless to say, scratch one pirate ship.

The 28mm ScorpionMech 6 The 28mm ScorpionMech 8 The 28mm ScorpionMech 7

Viper suit pilots may try and put a brave face on it, but when faced with a ScorpionMech, they know that the best place to be is somewhere else.


Our stretch goals are simple on this campaign, and included in the base pledge for free.  We’ll be offering selections from our digital inventory (past files like the Viper Suits or Renegar-Class MegaTanks) to help pad your pledge and make bundling of your purchase easier.

$250-We Fund (DONE!  50 Minutes!  WOOT!!!)

Our philosophy on Kickstarters is to get in, get out, and get you your files ASAP.

A low lock-in ensures that no one is left hanging, wondering if it’s going to happen.  The 28mm ScorpionMech is already sculpted and successfully pre-supported and test-printed.  Trust us.  We want it on your tabletop as much as you do.

$500-15mm Versions (DONE!)

We started Rebel Minis in the 15mm miniatures explosion of the Mid-00s and 2010s.  We know where we came from, and want to make 15mm versions of the ScorpionMech available for those of you with printers.  All stretch goals will be made in 15mm versions, as well.

$750-8mm Versions (DONE!)

Like many, we also used to play Epic Space Gothic Titans and Classic Hex-Map Games With Mechs.

This would be a simpler, fused version of the 28mm ScorpionMech sculpt that can be used against enemy mecha or walking fortress-churches.

$1000-Jetpack! (DONE!)

A „belly pack“ and additional thrusters for orbital insertions.  As if a ScorpionMech isn’t terrifying enough…

$2000-MissileScorp! (DONE!)

A new claw and tail module with missile racks will be sculpted and made available to rain ordnance on entire grid squares.

$3000-Parasite Drones and Ready Racks

No need for screening infantry.  The parasite drones are curled up in ready racks bolted to the side of the hull.  Prepare for the heebie-jeebies when they start making their way towards your position.  Save that last particle blast for yourself.

$4000-Additional Close Combat Claws And Weapons

These were earlier versions of close-combat weaponry that didn’t make the initial cut, but we’re going to revamp them and add them to the inventory.

We’ll modify and update these chainsaws, jack-hammers, and other nasty implements to cut your enemy off at the ankles, or plunge through his cockpit.

$5000-Assault PugBots…And DachshundBots!

 The 28mm ScorpionMech 9 The 28mm ScorpionMech 10

(Guy in Blue shown for size reference purposes only)

Our loveable sidekicks, the PugBots, will get a more detailed and brutal sculpt.

Their new cousins the DachshundBots will come along for the ride, too.  They’re much better tunnel fighters in the orbital colonies and asteroid shipyards. Just don’t call them weinerdogbots.  They don’t like that.


The 28mm ScorpionMech 11 The 28mm ScorpionMech 12

(Our original 15mm version of the SpiderMech shown next to a 15mm Apache MRAP)

Using the same legs as the ScorpionMech, we’ll create a new hull with different weaponry that is lower profile.  Many of the weapons will interchange between the two platforms (we believe in modularity), but it will be an entirely new design.  Two death-machines for the price of one!  Woot!

Now, obviously, this is a high bar to reach.  We’ll need you guys to help spread the word to other folks you think might be interested in the original ScorpionMech, so we can reach these lofty goals.


The technology of 3D printing has come a long way.  What used to cost a quarter million dollars twenty years ago is now surpassed by a machine that comes to your door via Amazon Prime for a few hundred dollars.  It’s beautiful.

What size machine do you recommend?

Though it can be printed on smaller machines (see below), after some extensive experience for the last year, we can recommend the Elegoo Saturn line of machines, or machines of similar sizes.

Recent advanced models have been released, but we find a 2021 original model more than satisfactory for our needs.  The great thing is, with the new models coming out, the older, just-as-capable 4K models are at deep discounts from their original prices. Half off of original retail, in some cases.

Can you do a ScorpionMech on an FDM machine?

I dunno.  Some folks do amazing things with them.

In my experience, and I own one (JBR talking here), they’re best suited for terrain and larger, more functional parts and builds. Our pre-supported parts are made for high-resolution resin printers.  We’re not saying it can’t be done, we just don’t know if we can recommend it.  Some people might take that as a challenge.  That’s cool.  We would love to see it happen, and hope you can share your experience with others.

But, for now, resin is our pony of choice.

What If I Don’t have a Saturn? 

The 28mm ScorpionMech 13 The 28mm ScorpionMech 14

This is my slicer program’s build cube for the Elegoo Mars 2 and Mars 2 Pro.  The main hull of the ScorpionMech is the largest single part, and it will fit.  It will take most of the build plate, and it might take over seven hours (mine did), but it fits.

What if I don’t own a printer?

We have two solutions.  You can buy the files and send them to a service bureau that will send you back parts for a price.  There are numerous such service bureaus out there, and we will put you in touch with them if need be.

We also will be selling commercial licenses to proven vendors where you can order the physical print direct from them.  There are only a handful of licenses that will be made available, and we’ll have a fixed list of those reliable folks.


Good sales pitch, no?  Still not convinced?  Try a nasty pincer claw on for size.

The 28mm ScorpionMech 15 The 28mm ScorpionMech 16 The 28mm ScorpionMech 17

Free sample .stl file of the Pincer Claw, supported and clean.

Also, a skeletonized AA battery for size reference purposes.



Die Kampagne läuft noch 8 Tage.

Quelle: The 28mm ScorpionMech


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Interessant.
    Allerdings finde ich „David“ den Herausforderer
    deutlich interessanter als „Goliath“.
    Von wem ist der?

  • Netter Skorpionmech. Ob es dafür einen Kickstarter braucht sei mal dehin gestellt. Aber so bekommt das Ding natürlich mehr Aufmerksamkeit, als wenn es über einige der bekannten Plattformen für 3D Dateien oder in einem Patreon angeboten worden wäre.

    • Von Gesprächen mit einigen dieser Garagengirmen kenn ich folgendes, für mich nachvollziehbares Argument:
      Entweder machst Du sowas auf Basis

      Deiner Einschätzung des Marktes und sitzt am Ende auf Tausenden nicht verkaufen Minis rum, oder Du zahlst KS seinen Obulus, erregst viel Aufmerksamkeit, und verkaufst einen Großteil der Produktion direkt an die Endverbraucher.

      Weniger Risiko, weniger Lagerkosten, günstige Werbung.
      Wenn ich irgendwann mal wieder Kleinserien von Minis produziere, weiß ich, was ich mache…

      • Wobei es hier ja um digitale Daten geht. Da bleibt so oder so niemand auf tausenden Miniaturen sitzen.

      • Naja, aber musst Du die Entwicklung riskieren und dann monatelang auf Absatz warten oder machst Du einmal kurz ein Ereignis draus und bezahlst KS für die Werbung?

  • Hm ich hab des ding schon ne weile auf dem Schirm aber mit jedemmal an sehen finde ich den schrecklicher.

    Ich weiß nicht warum aber gefalle tut mir der einfach nicht.
    Ich glaube es liegt an dem 80ziger Jahre Spielzeug look.

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