von BK-Herr Kemper | 12.02.2022 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Strato Minis: Neuheiten

Strato Minis veröffentlichten Neuheiten.

Strato Minis Neuheiten 6mm 2 Strato Minis Neuheiten 6mm 3 Strato Minis Neuheiten 6mm 4 Strato Minis Neuheiten 6mm 5 Strato Minis Neuheiten 6mm 6 Strato Minis Neuheiten 6mm 7 Strato Minis Neuheiten 6mm 8 Strato Minis Neuheiten 6mm 1

Strato Minis – Neuheiten – 6mm

February releases!
Starting today, we are launching preorders for new Hardwar miniatures to be released this month! We are offering 20% preorder discount on them! Check them and their stat cards out in the links below.
Shuriken – 4 differently posed robotroopers will allow you to experience brutal efficiency of C2 Troopers.
Stormbreaker Jump Infantry – 12 miniatures and 4 „flying“ bases for your jumping Stormbreakers!
Ram Recovery Vehicle – Repair your assets and pave the roads for them with this smart recovery vehicle.
Bren Scout Transport – this Kalashnikov of APCs of 22nd century will get your troops there no matter what.
Ship Containers – when you need to build your own Stacks, a barricade or makeshift fort, those containers will be perfect!
Freight Containers – same as above, but double that many at half the size!
Quarters Container – equipped with full apartament inside, including storage and garage, this container will keep your colonists comfortable anywhere they go.
Civilian Cars B – new styles of civilian cars, including pickups, police cars and estates.
All those miniatures will go into the production within the next 2 weeks, and you can enjoy the 20% discount until March 1st, when they will be released for general sales. So grab yours, first come first served!

Quelle: Strato Minis auf Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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