von BK-Nils | 02.09.2022 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Fantasy

Steamforged Games: Dark Souls Brettspiel Preview

Für das Dark Souls Brettspiel von Steamforged Games wurden zwei neue Boxen angekündigt, die wieder ikonische Orte aus der Vorlage besuchen werden.


New DARK SOULS™ Core Sets! Tomb of Giants & Painted World of Ariamis

From the ashes… A glorious conflagration of embers bursts into life!

This November, we’re releasing not one but TWO new core boxes for DARK SOULS™: The Board Game: Tomb of Giants, and Painted World of Ariamis.

The New DARK SOULS™: The Board Game Core Sets

The first thing to say is that both these core sets are standalone. (Pssst! If you’ve not heard that term before: it just means you can play them without needing any other DARK SOULS™: The Board Game products.)

That makes them perfect if you’re a new fan looking to get into the game. But what about our  awesome existing players?

Well, we’re pleased to say both core sets are FULLY backwards compatible, so you can use them with ANY DARK SOULS™: The Board Game products you own.

Painted World of Aramis and Tomb of Giants each explore an iconic location from the original DARK SOULS™ video game, including renowned enemies from the Painted World and Tomb of Giants, including fan favourite Gravelord Nito.

Steamforged Games New DARK SOULS™ Core Sets 1

But it’s not just new miniatures to play with and new locations to explore (although there’s plenty of that to be getting on with)…

A New Ruleset Emerges

While millions of you have played and loved DARK SOULS™: The Board Game, we’ve got plenty of feedback from players over the years on how they like to play their games, and small adjustments we could make.

Well… We listened.

To create DARK SOULS™: The Board Game Tomb of Giants, and DARK SOULS™: The Board Game Painted World of Ariamis, our development team opened an invaluable dialogue with our wonderful community. From this meeting of minds emerged a brand new, refreshed core ruleset including several of the suggestions we’ve received from our community.

Steamforged Games New DARK SOULS™ Core Sets 2

It’s still definitely recognisable as DARK SOULS™: The Board Game, but features a new, more in-depth campaign system, a new encounter system including exciting and varied new objectives and combat-puzzle gameplay, and lots more!

We’ll be releasing a deeper dive into the improved ruleset soon, as well as lots more info on the new sets.

This November… PREPARE TO DIE!

Quelle: Steamforged Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Uuuuuhhh Nito… Hell yeah!

    Mehr Dark Souls Minis ist immer gut, auch wenn das Brettspiel gar nicht mal so Gut und das RPG eine Katastrophe sind, die sind alleine fürs Bemalen und für andere Rollenspiele grandios… die Boxen werden auf jeden Fall beide bei mir landen.

  • Das wäre was für Spooktober gewesen. Freue mich aber auf beide Expansions.
    Schade das Pinwheel anscheinend nicht dabei ist. Grade die Masken sind ja sehr ikonisch.
    Nito und Precilla werden ne Freude aein anzumalen.
    Hoffe das dann auch Seath rauskommt.

  • Also ich hab Bock. Wir hatten ein paar Customregeln (Itemshop, abhandeln von geclearten Räumen) für das Boardgame und es hat Spass gemacht!

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