von BK-Bob | 26.06.2022 | eingestellt unter: Patreon, Science-Fiction

Station Forge: Juni Patreon

Diesen Monat gibt es bei Station Forge unter anderem zwei titanische Modelle.

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New Faction Release / 1 Year StationForge Anniversary!

hello Everyone!
Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s been exactly 1 year since Stationforge began releasing models, what an adventure this year was!

We would like to give you a brief backstory of how this all began.

Our fascination with 3D models began in February 2021. Me and my brother agreed on looking for a hobby to break our repetitive daily work cycle which at the time felt extremely restraining. Upon browsing I stumbled across the whole world of resin printing and the endless possibilities that can be achieved with it.

While being jobless due to the lockdown in our country the tattoo studio I was working in prior has filed for bankruptcy, therefore, I had to resort to going back into the freelancing world and just drawing while everything was locked.

As time went by the amount of feedback we received on our free kitbashed models was astonishing! It felt surreal and overwhelming which fueled us to go even further. That is when we decided to open up a Patreon and create @The First Founder  tier. This tier offered no rewards, it was created just in case people decided to support our free kitbashed models. At the blink of an eye this tier grew by 38 wonderful individuals that have provided us with their trust. We realized that we cannot wait any longer and felt comfortable enough to begin modelling our own miniatures, Scavenger Scouts and Dragon Knights. On June 10th, 2021 our first release of the Scavenger Scouts was made. In just a period of 20 days our Patreon grew from 38 members to 181. From that month onwards we realized that this is going to be much bigger than we thought and we were ready to work for it. As our community grew with each month we were able to make bigger and better models as well as expand the number of releases we make and this stays true to this day.

We would like to thank you all for joining this community and sticking with us  it has not been an easy journey, but it has been fulfilling. May the coming years also be successful, but first, let’s make this great day a success.

We are super excited to announce our new 3rd faction ‘Orkaz’ which we will be releasing alongside the Scavengers and Grimguards on a monthly bases.

Please welcome Orkaz: Mega Steppa!

NOTE: We have a new pre-support system! our supports now are much better and cleaner!

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Grim Guard – The Exorcists

Hello everyone! GrimGuard – The Exorcists are out now.

Scaled for 25mm bases and comes in with a presupported option.

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Scavenger Defender Mk1

Scavenger Defender MK1 is finally out, I hope you all enjoy it!

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Orkaz Goblins

Hello Everyone!

Orkaz Goblins are here!

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GrimGuard – Light Artillery

Hello everyone! GrimGuard – Light Artillery is out now. It comes with 3 main light artillery pieces with a 4 man exso-skeleton crew.

Crew scaled for 25mm bases and comes in with a presupported option.

Quelle: Station Forge bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Ich bin gerade dabei mir das komplette Todeskorps von ihm zu drucken. Wirklich mega Figuren und ich hatte nach knapp 70 Infanteristen keinen einzigen Fehldruck.
    Nun reizt mich die leichte Artillerie sehr, habe aber keine Ahnung als was ich die aufstellen sollte (ein Mörserteam und einen Basilikum gibt es schon). Hat jemand eine Idee?

      • Es gibt so ein paar Momente in denen mich Autocorrect ans Messer geliefert hat. Zum Beispiel als ich mich online über manche Leute aufgeregt habe und die Korrektur auf die Idee kam statt „scheiß Kunden“ ein „scheiß Kurden“ zu schreiben. Das sind Momente, die mir eigentlich beigebracht haben jeden Post nochmal probezulesen. Heute habe ich die Regel gebrochen und man sät was man erntet. Manchmal ist das dann eben Basilikum ^^

  • Da finde ich es schon sehr schade keinen Drucker zu haben, die leichte Atillerie fände ich schon sehr geil für Bauhaus bzw. Imperial von Warzone.
    Muss ich mich doch mal mit dem Thema Duckerstore beschäftigen.

    • Sobald Du die STL-Dateien besitzt, sei es weil Du sie einzeln gekauft hast oder Patreon bist, dann sprich mal mit dem Wolfgang.

      Die 3D-Druckdienste werden nun auf täglicher Basis angeboten.

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