von BK-Pascal | 20.08.2022 | eingestellt unter: Patreon, Science-Fiction

Station Forge: August Patreon

Im August haben Station Forge wieder ein STL Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.

Stationforgeaug1 Stationforgeaug2 Stationforgeaug3 Stationforgeaug4 Stationforgeaug5 Stationforgeaug6 Stationforgeaug7 Stationforgeaug8 Stationforgeaug9 Stationforgeaug10 Stationforgeaug11 Stationforgeaug12 Stationforgeaug13 Stationforgeaug14 Stationforgeaug15 Stationforgeaug16 Stationforgeaug17 Stationforgeaug18 Stationforgeaug19 Stationforgeaug20 Stationforgeaug21 Stationforgeaug22 Stationforgeaug23 Stationforgeaug24 Stationforgeaug25 Stationforgeaug26 Stationforgeaug27 Stationforgeaug28 Stationforgeaug29 Stationforgeaug30 Stationforgeaug31 Stationforgeaug32 Stationforgeaug33 Stationforgeaug34 Stationforgeaug35 Station Forge GrimGuard SF 19A Fighter Plane 1 Station Forge GrimGuard SF 19A Fighter Plane 2 Station Forge GrimGuard SF 19A Fighter Plane 3 Station Forge GrimGuard SF 19A Fighter Plane 4 Station Forge GrimGuard SF 19A Fighter Plane 5 Station Forge GrimGuard SF 19A Fighter Plane 6 Station Forge GrimGuard SF 19A Fighter Plane 7

Who Are We?

Hello everyone! We are Artiiicus & Skarpzon, two brothers who aspired to become full-time 3D modelers for tabletop gaming. We are passionate about a variety of themes starting from gothic sci-fi to mythological/historic flavors, however, the fun does not stop here, you’ll also be seeing but not limited to steampunk and post-apocalyptic-inspired themes at some point in time as well! The majority of our work is free! Under our tags @artiiicus and @skarpzon you’ll see our shared work, created with love and passion.

How does it work?

Twice a month we will be releasing STL models for you to download, print, and enjoy. Artiiicus will be posting on the 10th of each month while Skaprzon will be posting on the 20th of each month. All files are PRE-SUPPORTED, just download and print!

Quelle: Station Forge auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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  • Oha, diese Yawa/Hrud/Admech/Space Skaven gefallen mir richtig gut! Hoffentlich bekommen die noch ein paar coole Fahrzeuge und/oder Monster!

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  • Mir gefallen die Soldaten extremst gut.
    Und als 3D Datei kann man die natürlich auch in 54 mm drucken lassen.

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