von BK-Thorsten | 02.06.2022 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

Star Wars Legion: Din Djarin und Kartenpack

Atomic Mass Games geben einen Ausblick auf das zweite Kartenpack für Star Wars Legion und im Asmodee-Shop ist ein bekanntes Duo aufgetaucht.

„Bounty Hunters! We don’t need their scum.“
–Admiral Piett, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back


Bounty hunters have been involved with all manner of significant events in the Star Wars™ saga. Usually hired to capture or assassinate high-profile targets, they have also been known to accept other dangerous missions. Bounty hunters usually pursue their targets solo, but occasionally work in teams for especially notorious quarries. They may even be hired to work as mercenaries for powerful individuals or factions—as long as the price is right! In this installment of Scene to Stats, we’re taking a look at updates coming to three bounty hunters with the Upgrade Card Pack II for Star Wars™: Legion!


The first bounty hunter to see an update is the Transdoshan Terror himself: Bossk! To start, Bossk’s cost has been reduced to 105 points. This allows him to make full use of his three upgrade slots and find his way into more armies. To go along with that, Bossk can now be added to Imperial or Separatist rosters. This new update also adds a couple small changes to his mobility and survivability. Notably, Bossk gains Scale, which replaces Expert Climber and Unhindered. Finally, Bossk gains Independent: Surge 2 which gives him two surge tokens if he did not receive an order. These tweaks make this Bounty Hunter deadlier than ever—but he’s not the only one to see changes!


One of the most infamous bounty hunters of all time, Boba Fett is the next unit to receive improvements during this update. He now benefits from Independent: Aim 1 or Dodge 1, allowing him the flexibility to gain a token based on whatever situation he finds himself in. Offensively, his Integrated Rockets increased in power, receiving an extra black die and gaining Versatile. Boba’s Boot Spikes also gained an additional red die to his melee attack and he gained a comms upgrade slot, allowing him to benefit from a myriad of upgrades that were previously unavailable to him. This increase in power matches Boba Fett’s reputation as a fierce bounty hunter.


The final bounty hunter in this update needs no introduction, and Cad Bane’s changes live up to his reputation. His new unit card comes in at 105 points, leaving you with plenty of room to spend on his many upgrade slots. Speaking of upgrades, you may notice that he has been given a second training upgrade slot. This reflects his proficiency as a master tracker and fighter. Cad Bane also sees his Danger Sense increase from 2 to 3. Combined with the addition of Independent: Dodge 2, Cad will have no trouble sticking around on the battlefield. Offensively, his surge chart has also been upgraded from surge to hit to surge to critical hit. Finally, he is no longer restricted to the Separatist Alliance only, and can now be added to Imperial armies. All these changes give Cad Bane a serious improvement on his previous unit card and make him a force to be reckoned with in Star Wars: Legion.

That’s all for our first look at the new updates to Bossk, Boba Fett, and Cad Bane. Be sure to check back for yet another installment of Scene to Stats, the series where we give you your first look at how your favorite characters transition to the tabletop in Star Wars: Legion. Pre-order your own copy of Upgrade Card Pack II at your local game store or through our webstore today. Until then, Atomic Mass Transmissions, signing off!

SWL Mando 01 SWL Mando 02 SWL Mando 03


The Mandalorian and Grogu are ready to join the battles of Star Wars: Legion with this Operative Expansion! Din Djarin, also known as the Mandalorian, expands the game’s mercenary forces with his skills as a bounty hunter. Joining him as a counterpart is Grogu, a foundling with a strong connection


Quelle: Atomic Mass Games

Quelle: Asmodee


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Ich finde das richtig cool, hab mir erst jetzt ein paar Boxen geholt und bin grad am basteln und bemalen.. Hatte schon Angst das das System tot sei.. Aber jetzt ist echt ein guter Startzeitpunkt..Und meine Große wird sich über den Babyyoda freuen 😁

    • ich bin noch nicht bereit voll in SWL einzusteigen, aber SW trupps für Star Breach werden stetig reizvoller. Mandalorianer, Imperium etc. könnte schon spaß machen 🙂

      • @MaDaCa REgeltechnisch ist SWL wirklich ein sehr gutes Spiel, was auch erstaunlich gut in jeder Skalierung funktioniert. Wir haben schon Partien von Skirmish Größe bis zu Großschlachten gespielt und es lief immer rund und spannend!

      • Kann mich nur an DELTADOG anschliessen. Es ist ein wirklich gut gelungenes Regelsystem, spielt sich leicht und schnell, hat aber trotzdem Tiefe. Wenn man SW und Tabletop mag, kann hier nichts Falsch machen. MMn könnte es auch ohne den riesen Brand dahinter er Erfolg sein.

      • Oh man, jetzt wo hier die Regeln auch noch so gelobt werden bekomme ich noch mehr Bock drauf. Liebäugel sowieso schon länger mit Imperium oder Separatisten :/. Gibt es hier jemanden aus Rostock und Umgebung oder weiß ob es aktive Clubs oder ähnliches in der Region gibt?

  • Wo ist das Gewehr? Wenn das bei der Mini nich dabei is, hätte man ein anderes Bild für die Packung wählen können.Die Pose will mir auch nicht recht zusagen. Grogu geht aber in Ordnung.

    • Das gute ist, der STL-Markt gibt so viele Din Djarens her da kann man sich diverse besorgen und immer den optisch passenden zur Liste auf den Tisch stellen. Nur einmal das Set kaufen für die korrekten Karten und Tokens

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