Spellcrow: Weitere Previews
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Here is the first model of a Trygodron, which we got from our foundry. Trygodrons are a rare unit in the Arox army. They are extremely aggressive, and they tear their enemies apartThis is not the last interesting model you’ll see this week – we will show you the miniatures of Kozars and Truhlaks for the Sheol-morg army. We are also finishing the first model of a Martyr of Voro-dan for the Sorgax army
#argatoria #arox #sheolmorg #sorgax #wargames #wargaming
Today, we want to present you the first four models of Kozars for the upcoming Sheol-morg army. Kozars are an elite unit with a special rule allowing them to attack also with the second rank. Moreover, they have a „Beeeee!“ special rule thanks to which their LD during prayers is 10. Hope you like this unit so far#argatoria #sheolmorg #wargames #wargaming
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