von BK-Thorsten | 24.07.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Spellcrow: Neuheiten

Jede Menge Neuheiten von Spellcrow für Fans kleiner Fantasyfiguren.

SPCR0057 Skeletons02

Skeletons – 7,00 €

The set contains 8 one-piece high-quality resin miniatures of Skeletons and four 20 mm square plastic bases. Require assembly, cleaning and painting. Scenic bases not included. The miniatures are dedicated for the Sheol-morg army in the Argatoria Wargame.

Scale: 10 mm
Design and sculpting: Piotr Pirianowicz, Marek Rurarz

SPCR0058 SkeletonsFullUnit02

Skeletons Full Unit – 24,00 €

The set contains 32 one-piece high-quality resin miniatures of Skeletons and sixteen 20 mm square plastic bases. Require assembly, cleaning and painting. Scenic bases not included. The miniatures are dedicated for the Sheol-morg army in the Argatoria Wargame.

Scale: 10 mm
Design and sculpting: Piotr Pirianowicz, Marek Rurarz

SPCR0059 Oduns02

Oduns – 7,00 €

The set contains 4 one-piece high-quality resin miniatures of Oduns and four 20 mm square plastic bases. Require assembly, cleaning and painting. Scenic bases not included. The miniatures are dedicated for the Gaeldor army in Argatoria Wargame.

Scale: 10 mm
Design and sculpting: Marek Rurarz, Piotr Pirianowicz, Tetyana Orlovska

SPCR0060 OdunsFullUnit02

Oduns Full Unit – 24,00 €

The set contains 16 one-piece high-quality resin miniatures of Oduns and sixteen 20 mm square plastic bases. Require assembly, cleaning and painting. Scenic bases not included. The miniatures are dedicated for the Gaeldor army in Argatoria Wargame.

Scale: 10 mm
Design and sculpting: Marek Rurarz, Piotr Pirianowicz, Tetyana Orlovska

SPCR0061 WolfBrothers02

Wolf Brothers – 7,00 €

The set contains 8 one-piece high-quality resin miniatures of Wolf Brothers and four 20 mm square plastic bases. Require assembly, cleaning and painting. Scenic bases not included. The miniatures are dedicated for the Dirandis army in Argatoria Wargame.

Scale: 10 mm
Design and sculpting: Tetyana Orlovska, Marek Rurarz, Piotr Pirianowicz

SPCR0062 WolfBrothersFullUnit02

Wolf Brothers Full Unit – 24,00 €

The set contains 32 one-piece high-quality resin miniatures of Wolf Brothers and sixteen 20 mm square plastic bases. Require assembly, cleaning and painting. Scenic bases not included. The miniatures are dedicated for the Dirandis army in Argatoria Wargame.

Scale: 10 mm
Design and sculpting: Tetyana Orlovska, Marek Rurarz, Piotr Pirianowicz

SPCR0063 VaendralElephanton02 SPCR0063 VaendralElephanton03

Vaendral Elephanton – 24,00 €

Vaendral Elephanton is a multi-part high-quality resin miniature which comes with a 60 mm x 40 mm rectangular base. Requires assembly, cleaning and painting. Scenic base not included. The miniature is dedicated for the Vaendral army in Argatoria Wargame.

Scale: 10 mm
Design and sculpting: Piotr Pirianowicz

Quelle: Spellcrow


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Und schon wieder neue Fraktionen… 😳
    Das ist echt das einzige Spiel, wo ich mit dem malen vor den offiziellen Regeln dazu fertig bin. 🙈

      • Ja, er nur für die ersten 4 Fraktionen,
        Skelette (für die Sheol-morg) & Oduns (Gaeldor – okay, irgendwo haben sie die mal als die Barbaren mit dem grünen Farbschema statt rot (Vaendral) & blau (Dirandis) bezeichnet) sind schon für neue Fraktionen.

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