Spellcrow: Neue Preview
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The unit of Oduns for the upcoming Gaeldor army is finishedYou’ll have an opportunity to buy the miniatures for the new armies very soon. Before the rules are out, we want you to be able to start painting and preparing for the games.
Like we mentioned, the rules will be out by the end of 2022. Two army starters will be on sale much earlier. We can already tell you what the Gaeldor starter will include:• 4 units of Beast Hunters (Barbarians)• 2 units of Voraks• 1 unit of Oduns• 2 units of Iron Oaks (Half-giants)The Gaeldor army will have green warpaints on the skin
How the Sheol-morg starter will look like, we’ll let you know shortly!#argatoria #gaeldor #sheol-morg #wargames #wargaming
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