von BK-Bob | 11.06.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Signum Games: Tale of the Free Baronies

Signum Game sind wieder zurück und haben auch neue Miniaturen im Gepäck.

Signum Baron Korff, The Noble Warrior 1 Signum Baron Korff, The Noble Warrior 2 Signum Baron Korff, The Noble Warrior 3 Signum Baron Korff, The Noble Warrior 4 Signum Baron Korff, The Noble Warrior 5

Baron Korff, the Noble Warrior – 10,00€

Miniature for “Legends of Signum” tabletop wargame.
Material: photopolymer resin.
Scale: 32mm.
Class: fighter.
Race: human.
Height: 47mm.
Properties: unpainted, unassembled.
ø32mm. round plastic base is included.

Signum Carl The Magnificent, The Free Baronies Ruler 1 Signum Carl The Magnificent, The Free Baronies Ruler 2 Signum Carl The Magnificent, The Free Baronies Ruler 3 Signum Carl The Magnificent, The Free Baronies Ruler 4 Signum Carl The Magnificent, The Free Baronies Ruler 5 Signum Carl The Magnificent, The Free Baronies Ruler 6

Carl the Magnificent, the Free Baronies Ruler – 15,00€

Miniature for “Legends of Signum” tabletop wargame.
Material: photopolymer resin.
Scale: 32mm.
Class: fighter.
Race: human.
Height: 48mm.
Properties: unpainted, unassembled.
ø50mm. round plastic base is included.

Signum Cerberus, Guardian Of The Abyss 1 Signum Cerberus, Guardian Of The Abyss 2 Signum Cerberus, Guardian Of The Abyss 3# Signum Cerberus, Guardian Of The Abyss 4 Signum Cerberus, Guardian Of The Abyss 5 Signum Cerberus, Guardian Of The Abyss 6

Cerberus, Guardian of the Abyss – 12,50€

Miniature for “Legends of Signum” tabletop wargame.
Material: photopolymer resin.
Scale: 32mm.
Race: undead.
Height: 40mm.
Properties: unpainted, unassembled.
ø50mm. round plastic base is included.

Signum Nerett, The Demon Dog 1 Signum Nerett, The Demon Dog 2 Signum Nerett, The Demon Dog 3 Signum Nerett, The Demon Dog 4 Signum Nerett, The Demon Dog 5 Signum Nerett, The Demon Dog 6

Nerett, the Demon Dog – 12,50€

Miniature for “Legends of Signum” tabletop wargame.
Material: photopolymer resin.
Scale: 32mm.
Race: undead.
Height: 39mm.
Properties: unpainted, unassembled.
ø50mm. round plastic base is included.

Signum Shesate, The Demon Wyvern 1 Signum Shesate, The Demon Wyvern 2 Signum Shesate, The Demon Wyvern 3 Signum Shesate, The Demon Wyvern 4 Signum Shesate, The Demon Wyvern 5 Signum Shesate, The Demon Wyvern 6

Shesate, the Demon Wyvern – 28,00€

Miniature for “Legends of Signum” tabletop wargame.
Material: photopolymer resin.
Scale: 32mm.
Race: demon.
Height: 82mm.
Properties: unpainted, unassembled.
ø80mm. round plastic base is included.

Signum Sir Demris, The Free Baronies Knight 1 Signum Sir Demris, The Free Baronies Knight 2 Signum Sir Demris, The Free Baronies Knight 3 Signum Sir Demris, The Free Baronies Knight 4 Signum Sir Demris, The Free Baronies Knight 5 Signum Sir Demris, The Free Baronies Knight 6

Sir Demris, the Free Baronies Knight – 10,00€

Miniature for “Legends of Signum” tabletop wargame.
Material: photopolymer resin.
Scale: 32mm.
Class: fighter.
Race: human.
Height: 48,5mm.
Properties: unpainted, unassembled.
ø32mm. round plastic base is included.

Signum Sir Otto, Dragoon Of The Golden Regiment 1 Signum Sir Otto, Dragoon Of The Golden Regiment 2 Signum Sir Otto, Dragoon Of The Golden Regiment 3 Signum Sir Otto, Dragoon Of The Golden Regiment 4 Signum Sir Otto, Dragoon Of The Golden Regiment 5

Sir Otto, Dragoon of the Golden Regiment – 15,00€

Miniature for “Legends of Signum” tabletop wargame.
Material: photopolymer resin.
Scale: 32mm.
Class: rider.
Race: human.
Height: 62mm.
Properties: unpainted, unassembled.
ø50mm. round plastic base is included.

Signum Mercenary Knights Set

Mercenary Knights Set – 35,00€

Miniature for “Legends of Signum” tabletop wargame.
Material: photopolymer resin.
Scale: 32mm.
Properties: unpainted, unassembled.
Round plastic bases are included.

Set includes:

  • Carl the Magnificent, the Free Baronies Ruler
  • Baron Korff, the Noble Warrior
  • Sir Demris, the Free Baronies Knight
  • Sir Otto, Dragoon of the Golden Regiment

Signum Monsters Of Styx Set

Monsters of Styx set – 35,00€

Miniature for “Legends of Signum” tabletop wargame.
Material: photopolymer resin.
Scale: 32mm.
Properties: unpainted, unassembled.
Round plastic bases are included.

Set includes:

  • Shesate, the Demon Wyvern
  • Cerberus, Guardian of the Abyss
  • Nerett, the Demon Dog

Quelle: Signum Games


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Mir gefallen die Minis durch die Bank gut. Als ursprünglicher Confroklon gestartet haben sie mittlerweile bohren eigenen Charakter entwickelt.

    Leider fehlt mir komplett die Zeit auch nur eine zu drucken und zu bemalen.

    Aber schön das die Nichtdruck-Gemeinde noch mit Resin versorgt wird.

    Weiß eigentlich jemand wo die jetzt sind? Waren ja ursprünglich aus der Ukraine.

    • Sind sie immer noch

      So weit ich das verstanden habe sind sie innerhalb der Ukraine um gezogen von charkiw irgendwo hin weiter westlich

      Sie mussten wohl ihr Zeug raus holen, was ja jetzt möglich war.

      Das hab ich aus nem polnischen Forum, die Quelle räumt aber ein das er Sachen falsch verstanden haben könnte.
      Also salzen nach Bedarf.

  • Ich glaub die sind immer noch in der Ukraine, nur in einer anderen Stadt

    Bin Mal auf Fantasy Commander gespannnt.

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