von BK-Christian | 11.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Shieldwolf Miniatures: War is Coming Kickstarter

Shieldwolf sind mit einem massiven Kickstarter gestartet.


Shieldwolf Miniatures is the fantasy miniatures company where legendary armies are born. Unique miniatures full of character storming out to unexplored dungeons or glorious battlefields. All on your tabletop!

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You can choose between being the leader of your adventurous band, the captain of a raiding party or the general of a hordish army; this project allows a vast variety of choices with hundreds of miniatures to choose from!

This Kickstarter will fund the expansion of existing realms with both hard plastic (HIPS) and hand-cast resin units, warlords, wizards, monsters and so much more!

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Das sind einige der Boxen:

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Valkyries hard plastic set, painting in progress!!!

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„War is Coming: Reinforcements“ will include:

  •  Unique NEW Hard plastic kits – the Valkyries inspired by the Nordic female warriors and the Aravises,  Arabian inspired female warriors; both never done before!
  •  Refreshed Army Rosters – all armies will see new miniatures with the addition of units, heroes and monsters.
  •  Awesome New Artwork – the success of this project will allow us to both update and add more artwork to the Shieldwolf World book, bringing it a step closer to publication.
  •  Develop the Fluff – as we progress with the release of additional races, more details about the Shieldwolf fantasy world and what each of the faction’s history is.
  • And so much more!

Shieldwolf Miniatures is currently boasting some of the most affordable, high quality and unique armies currently available in the market. All this grew out of gamer demand combined with the sheer passion of the company’s founder, Dott. Angelos Margaritis. After literally thousands of miniatures delivered, painted and played across the globe over the last 9 years, the gaming community saw opportunity for less „mainstream“ armies to be developed, maintaining however always both high affordability and European manufacturing quality.

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Das sind einige der Pledge Levels

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Es gibt noch viel mehr und deutlich umfangreichere Pledges, dafür verweisen wir aber auf die Kickstarter-Seite, damit die Bilderflut hier nicht eskaliert.

Was wir aber definitiv zeigen, sind die ganzen Add-ons:

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Infos zum Versand:

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REFUND POLICY: We can refund you within 14 days of the campaign’s end, fees included. After that, we have a policy of no questions asked, though that’s minus Kickstarter and payment processing fees (which we can’t get back from them after 14 days). However, if we’ve committed funds for the tooling of hard plastic kit(s), no refunds are possible. If a miniature cannot be delivered for any unexpected reason then we refund the cost completely, including fees.

This project is being funded in Euros. Any refunds processed will be in Euros for the exact amount received in this currency, excluding fees depending on the nature of the refund.

Die Kampagne läuft noch 13 Tage.

Quelle: War is Coming: Reinforcements


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ach verdammt. Ich habe gerade angefangen, einem Ork-Armee auf der Basis der Mantic Orks aufzubauen und habe hier noch knapp 100 Minis.

    Aber der Kickstarter gefällt mir auch echt gut. Um verhältnismäßig günstig an eine Armee für Age of Magic zu kommen, echt schick.

  • Tolle Sachen, ich mag die Goblins. Leider habe ich das Gefühl, wenn ein Kickstarter nicht sofort performt, dann wird das nichts mehr. Ist vielleicht nur subjektiv.

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