von BK-Bob | 06.09.2022 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Servocores: Assistant Droid Squad STL-Kickstarter

Von Vexing Vertex Studios gibt es aktuell einen Kickstarter um sich kleine Droiden selber zu drucken.

Servocores – Assistant Droid Squad – 28mm Scale

Droid Stl files for 3d printing into figures and make unique miniature robots . Automatons are monopose / multipose

Why we need small droid squads

If you enjoy 3D printing and painting miniatures as much as I love to make the models, rig and pose them, then this is definitely the Kickstarter for you.

With your backing I can go on to create more and more miniatures to share with everyone in the hobby.

One of my favourite factions across wargames , is orcs !

Odd intro for droids , right ?

One of the reasons are , other than their stupidly brutal manners , that they are often accompanied by smaller versions of themselves , namely goblins . Utterly expendable quirky characters that aid the green tide at the cost of their own well-being .

Little people in works of fiction make up their lack of size with no small amounts of character .

Why not giving humans an expendable supporting cast then ? Full of character

and utility ( not sure how robots or automatons can pull off having character off, but I   tried ).

Halflings and dwarves are full of character , sure , but lack the comically expendable nature I am looking for, and are for the most part are equals to humans , not inferiors .

A small droid however can fit that role perfectly .

So , without further ado , meet the Servocores !

Sentient mimetic service droids that begin their existence clueless about their surroundings and role and just follow the leader ( humans ) to make themselves useful. Also , highly expendable , repairable and replaceable .

I have been working on this for quite a while , haven’t completely fleshed out their lore yet , but I think making so many unique robots was fun .

81 figures , 81+ figure set kits and over 150 bits for your bits box and digital kitbashes !

Servocores Assistant Droid Squad 28mm Scale 1

81 figures and more than 80 figure making sets , all unique , waiting to be printed .


You might have seen free samples I shared across social media , but this is the complete free file collection .

Free files such as a huge measure to scale figures if you need to , shut down droids standing straight ( in monopose and multipose configurations ) and most importantly , 5 monopose droids and 5 multipose droid sets to make small robots that look unique to the samples .

Download the files if you made it this far , even if you don’t back the project . If you chose to back it , the free samples contain files that can be combined with anything you purchase .

Servocores Assistant Droid Squad 28mm Scale 2 Servocores Assistant Droid Squad 28mm Scale 3 Servocores Assistant Droid Squad 28mm Scale 4

Die Gratis-Dateien findet man Hier


Every 3D model I make will be exported as a high fidelity STL file, that you can print at home with either FDM or resin 3D printers. My Goal is to provide you the ability to muster a character, warband, gang or army to enhance your gaming sessions. Something you can truly enjoy setting on the table or display self. The files I’ll provide are for personal use. Sharing Links and STLs is extremely prohibited (check the rules at the end of the this page).

EXPENDABLE DROIDS ( Monopose figures )

Servocores Assistant Droid Squad 28mm Scale 5

A few examples of the pack . 13 figures in the pack .

Originally made by the engine cult members , these droids were mostly used for chores and menial tasks that cultists did not want to bother themselves with .

Also , some tasks proved dangerous or fatal to the doer and the cult did not want to waste experts or other sentient beings that needed time to be trained and could not be later repaired like a machine , which in general lacked the intellect to perform any task requiring critical thinking.

While contemplating on such a being that could be retrieved and repaired after a nearly fatal endeavour , they came up with the servocore concept .

The problem is that simple binary-minded robots could not perform complex tasks or learn new tricks and usage of AI is out of the question , we all know how that went , humanity couldn’t handle a second machine cataclysm at the state they are in .

So they came up with a design utilising organic sentience in a mechanical body .

Questions arisen about the origin of the organic matter , but the cult reassures the masses that it is „ethically sourced“ and in some cases partially fabricated .

The organic sentience can first get accustomed to its new body and then learn the task it is supposed to perform . The problem is that the source of the organic sentience might come with its own quirks and a hard limit on intelligence growth .

The first line of servocores were not fit for all their specified roles , but on the other hand they were not good for nothing . They were utilised across the human galactic empire taking on dangerous and mundane tasks alike , so that humans could occupy themselves otherwise .

NOTE : the set contains a magnetic anti tank explosive , unique to this kit .

ENGINE CULT DROIDS ( Monopose figures )

Servocores Assistant Droid Squad 28mm Scale 6

A few examples of the pack . 13 figures in the pack .

The servocores could be retrieved after suffering inhuman amounts of abuse , even after total destruction of the chassis , and then be repaired .

As long as the organic core was intact , what it learned so far is remembered and once fitted in a new body , the droid can resume its tasks .

Recovered cores that were damaged resumed duty mostly in the form of chores or lesser mechanical repairs or security .

However , cores recovered intact were outfitted in better bodies and outfitted with better gadgets to take on more important tasks and learn more in the process to benefit their masters further .

AUXILIARY DROIDS ( Monopose figures )

Servocores Assistant Droid Squad 28mm Scale 7

A few examples of the pack . 19 figures in the pack .

Cores that are not completely useless but lack the potential for intellectual growth and further usefulness end up in utilitarian positions such as security or other mundane tasks .

Organic matter can deteriorate over time and the cores are no exception . Those robots nearing expiration date will be sold or given to influential people and organisations in exchange for favours for the cult .

Certain institutions , inside or outside of the regime , provide the engine cult with organic matter for new cores and generally both sides avoid asking questions on the source and process , as long as said organisation takes a cut out of the final production or other favours they seem fit as compensation .

NOTE : the set contains 4 handheld explosives and an energy mine, unique to this kit.

GUARD DROIDS ( Monopose figures )

Servocores Assistant Droid Squad 28mm Scale 8

A few examples of the pack . 31 figures in the pack .

The regime does not forget the involvement of the cult’s founders in the creation of the AI that eventually brought ruination , so naturally they were sceptical of the whole servocore ordeal .

To demonstrate the project’s usefulness , the cult provides a steady stream of cores to the galactic warfront to aid the guard and test prototype weapons and desperate tactics . Unlike a human counterpart , a servocore can survive the task and be fitted in a new body and serve again like nothing happened while having learned from the experience . The result of some form of PTSD on the organic core upon destruction and reconstruction is yet to be explored as a possibility .

The surviving cores of the guard make excellent shock troopers and tunnelers .

In a way , servocores in the military end up being less expendable than their fleshy brethren . After all , a repaired core will always report back to its superiors .

Being ultimately organic matter in a metal shell , they can retain some character of their former being . Some take a liking to the people they serve with and look up to them and take up tactics and mannerisms ( however crude ) of the human soldiers .

Many soldiers treat them like mascots and some officers go so far as making them their personal guards or assistants .

Being a small target in a huge battlefield certainly has its benefits . Especially if you carry weapons that can stop a target five times your size .

IMPORTANT ! Common files in all Multipose sets .

Servocores Assistant Droid Squad 28mm Scale 9

Common files across all multipose sets .

All of the following sets contain many different torsos . Antennas , control panels , battery docks and blank surfaces in different combinations is what makes each one different . 24 different torsos .

1 torso variant was used across all monopose sets , so adding variations of torsos makes multipose kits way more customisable .

Also included are 2 kneepads , a wide variety of shoulder pads , with or without rim , bearing different indentations to better fit arms with different angles , a scope and a bipod .

NOTE : the scope and the bipod are included in all monopose packs too .

EXPENDABLE DROIDS ( Multipose sets )

Servocores Assistant Droid Squad 28mm Scale 10

A few examples of the pack ( see their monopose counterpart for assembled examples ) . 14 figure kits in the pack .

Fully modular kit that can make most ( if not all ) of its monopose counterpart pack

contains :

  • 4 heads
  • 2 „backpacks“
  • all of the common parts of the modular kits ( torsos , pads etc )
  • 2 bases ( 25mm and 32 mm )
  • enough legs , arm and hat sets to make an army of unique droids ( incalculably large possibilities )
  • 1 magnetic antitank explosive

ENGINE CULT DROIDS ( Multipose sets )

Servocores Assistant Droid Squad 28mm Scale 11

A few examples of the pack ( see their monopose counterparts for assembled examples ) . 18 figure kits in the pack .

Fully modular kit that can make most ( if not all ) of its monopose counterpart pack

contains :

  • 7 heads
  • 5 „backpacks“
  • all of the common parts of the modular kits ( torsos , pads etc )
  • 2 bases ( 25mm and 32 mm )
  • enough legs , arm and hat sets to make an army of unique droids ( incalculably large possibilities )

AUXILIARY DROIDS ( Multipose sets )

Servocores Assistant Droid Squad 28mm Scale 12

A few examples of the pack ( see their monopose counterparts for assembled examples ) . 25 figure kits in the pack .

Fully modular kit that can make most ( if not all ) of its monopose counterpart pack

contains :

  • 4 heads
  • 3 „backpacks“
  • all of the common parts of the modular kits ( torsos , pads etc )
  • 2 bases ( 25mm and 32 mm )
  • enough legs , arm and hat sets to make an army of unique droids ( incalculably large possibilities )
  • 1 energy mine deployed
  • 4 handheld explosives

GUARD DROIDS ( Multipose sets )

Servocores Assistant Droid Squad 28mm Scale 13

A few examples of the pack ( see their monopose counterparts for assembled examples ) . 41 figure kits in the pack .

Fully modular kit that can make most ( if not all ) of its monopose counterpart pack

contains :

  • 5 heads
  • 5 „backpacks“
  • all of the common parts of the modular kits ( torsos , pads etc )
  • 2 bases ( 25mm and 32 mm )
  • enough legs , arm and hat sets to make an army of unique droids ( incalculably large possibilities )

COMPLETE ARMY ( Monopose and/or Multipose )

Servocores Assistant Droid Squad 28mm Scale 14

Able , mean , loyal and quite small .

I will make available all 4 monopose packs and all 4 multipose packs in their respective collection .

Also I might make the 2 collection combo pack exclusive to kickstarter as I think it is kind of overkill for online storefronts .

In my experience , people who go for monopose packs don’t go for multipose kits and vice versa , but I haven’t decided yet on the exclusivity .

Bits pack ( kickstarter exclusive deal )

I know people use digital files for digital kitbashes and keep bits boxes to make unique models . So for anyone who purchases the full library of monopose and multipose modes , I offer all the weapons , tools and bits used in the project for a small extra fee .

This deal is for miniature enthusiasts who want to digitally kitbash or enrich their bits box and make truly unique miniatures .

80+ weapons and tools , magazines , grenades and more ! ( A bit over 150 items in total )

Die Kampagne ist nocht nicht finanziert und läuft noch 26 Tage.

Quelle: Servocores – Assistant Droid Squad – 28mm Scale


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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