von BK-Bob | 21.05.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Zubehör

Scale 75: Scalecolor Artist Paints 2. Kickstarter

Scale 75 sind auf Kickstarter unterwegs um ihr Scalecolor Artist Sortiment mit mehr Farben und auch Inks zu erweitern.

SCALECOLOR ARTIST Smooth Acrylic Paints 2

SCALE75 expands its well-known range of acrylic paints for modeling and miniatures, with NEW colours, formats and formulations.

SCALE75 is expanding its SCALECOLOR ARTIST line of acrylic paints for modelling and miniatures by adding new colors, forms of packaging, and formulations.

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We are adding new,creamy acrylic colors to our range and topping off our line with a new collection of fluorescent inks and colors. Like our main line, this new line has been specially designed for model builders, artists, and gaming miniature enthusiasts.

This range has 24 new, creamy acrylic colors (6 fluorescent) sold in conventional 20ml metal tube packaging. In addition, we have rounded off our line with a set of 12 inks made using an innovative formula presented in 17ml dropper bottles ideally suited for keeping these paints fresh.

Our SCALECOLOR ARTIST PAINTSand our SCALECOLOR ARTIST INKS stand out for the high quality, creamy texture, and fine consistency of their pigments.

The definitive paint line for all your needs, designed with modelers in mind!

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Die technischen Daten zu den Farben findet man Hier

10 Reasons Why You Need Scalecolor Artist Paints

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1. COMPOSITION: Developed and tested by chemists and artists with expertise in manufacturing acrylic paints for miniatures and scale models. The result is our patented formula, backed by SCALE75’s track record and the multitude of painters who already use the ARTIST line in their modelling work. New formulations of 12 inks and 6 fluorescent colors now also available.

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2. VERSATILITY: Thanks to their composition, they can be used for all your artistic needs. Painting figures and miniatures made from all types of material (resin, metal, plastic), models and replicas made from plastic, resin, paperboard, canvas, metal, cloth, etc. These paints and inks are suitable for all types and areas of modelling, without exception.

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3. TEXTURE: The creamy texture and enhanced consistency plus extra fine pigments are conducive to smoother painting and better control.  Rings caused by excess water are a thing of the past. The finecompact pigments reduce separation. Plus the new inks allow wide brush strokes that let you blend without rings.

4. COLOR INTENSITY: Our new paints achieve maximum color saturation to stand out against the other colors when dry on the surface. This effect is obtained thanks to the high levels of pigments in our paints and inks, giving more intense colors. Mixing these inks with normal colors lets you heighten the intensity of your colors while keeping smooth lines.

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5. OPACITY:The opacity of our paints is ideal for achieving maximum coverage with minimum brushing. On top of that, by varying the amount of thinner you can obtain spectacular transparencies. Our inks also give you high coverage and high color saturation.

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6. FINISH: The creamy Scalecolor Artist paints have a matte finish yet still keep their color intensity levels when dry.

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 The inks have a light matte finish and superior intensity.

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The fluorescent colors have an ultra-matte finish that shines under ultraviolet light.

All the paints in this line are highly fade resistant with a permanent, long-lasting, supple finish.

7. APPLICATION: These paints can be used any way you please! They are suitable for all types of brushes, airbrushing, painting knives, etc. Your choice, depending on the end result you’re after.

You can also use our special thinner or retarder, letting you thin and apply as best suits the way you work.

8. RANGE: The initial line of 48 colors has now been expanded by adding 18 new colors6 fluorescent colors, and 12 inks. The line has been specially designed to span the entire color gamut used by modelers, miniature painters, and artists of all kinds.

9. MIXING: This new range of paints and inks can be mixed and combined with any acrylic paint from any of our lines (Scalecolor, Fantasy and Games, Warfront, and Instant Colors) and with most paints currently on the market. We have further retarded drying for easier color transitioning and blending.

10. PRESENTATION: These paints come in individual 20ml tubes, the inks in 17ml bottles, in themed sets of 6 colors or in a deluxe box containing the full range. Choose whichever best suits your pocketbook or the way you paint.

We are therefore launching this project to expand the Scalecolor Artist line of paints on Kickstarter to fund production.  We have already done all the hard work, now we need your help to start manufacturing, packaging, and marketing.

We are offering all our sponsors the chance to be the first to enjoy these paints plus special launch prices and some packages exclusive to Kickstarter. As the campaign goes forward, you will be able to choose more than one gift or extra bonus.

And let’s not leave brick and mortar hobby and art supply stores out of the campaign. That is where you will most likely go to replenish your paints and seek out advice and learn new ways of doing things. For them, we have some special pledges that will help them be able to stock our new paints at their businesses and sell you these products at a good price later on. We have designed new, more compact display racks capable of holding the complete line for their stores. On top of that, they can be used with the display racks for all the other lines.

Und das sind die neuen Farben:

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Stretch Goals:

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The shipping costs will be calculated according to the weight of the product group and the country of destination. This will be an extra charge that will be added in the PM on the BackerKit platform after the end of the campaign. However, in order to provide some basic information to our backers, we have attached a guiding table including the shipping cost of each pledge.

Shipping costs for the rest of the products added in BackerKit by the client will be added to the estimated shipping cost. Therefore, it cannot be determined exactly at the moment.

Shipments will be delivered through the Spanish national postal service called CORREOS or agencies such as TNT or FEDEX. Once the time comes, we will decide which is the best option.

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 11 Tage.

Quelle: SCALECOLOR ARTIST Smooth Acrylic Paints 2


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • So interessant ich die Farben finde, aber der Versand für fast 20€ in Europa killt es komplett.
    Wenn man nicht all in geht lohnt sich das überhaupt nicht.
    Da warte ich lieber bis die Sachen beim Händler sind.

  • Ich habe diverse Farben von Scale75 gekauft und entweder habe ich jedesmal Montagsproduktionen erwischt, oder das ist die schlechteste Farbenfirma auf dem Markt. Von drei Instapaints war eine ein zäher Matsch, der sich nicht mal verdünnen lässt und eine reguläre Farbe hatte die Konsistenz von schleimiger Zahnpasta mit Null Deckkraft. Da konnte auch kein schütteln mehr was retten. Also ich habe Null Vertrauen mehr in die Firma…

    • Da musst du wirklich Pech gehabt haben. Ich habe fast alle Farben der Firma da und noch nie Probleme gehabt.

      Bin hier auch wieder dabei, da ich gerade die Artist Farben super finde.

    • Mir kommt keine andere Farbe mehr ins Haus. Nutze nur noch Scale. Ja am Anfang muss man sich teilweise umstellen und dran gewöhnen, aber danach für mich die besten Farben.

      @Garfield: Für eventuell kaputte Farben gibt es tausende Gründe. Das muss nicht am Hersteller liegen. Beispiele wären hier direkt mal falscher Transport/ Lagerung.

      • Seltsam, ich habe bestimmt hundert Farben in Benutzung gerade von diversen Herstellern und nie solche Probleme wie mit den Scale75 Produkten gehabt… Habe die auch von verschiedenen Händlern gekauft. Mir kommen die nicht mehr ins Haus.

    • @Garfield: Gerade zum ersten Mal Insta-Paints ausprobiert. Extrem flüssig, noch mehr als die Contrastpaints vom GW. Du hast wohl schlicht Pech gehabt oder die Farben bei einem Händler gekauft, der sie falsch lagert.

      • Nein, die Insta-Paints sind tatsächlich so flüssig. Es gibt einige Ausnahmen, wie das tolle Endurance Brown, aber größtenteils ist das Zeug so dünn, dass man nach einiger Schicht kaum ein Resultat sieht.

  • Ich bin hier schwer in Versuchung. Habe Artists alle hier und bin einfach nur begeistert. Mal sehen, was noch als Stretchgoals kommt, ansonsten warte ich bis zur regulären Markteinführung.

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