von BK-Thorsten | 10.10.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Rumbleslam: Neuheiten

Neue Zwerge betreten den Ring von Rumbleslam.

GreasedLightningBoxBackgroundcopy 10f88fdf A53e 404c 9675 E9ff727c7016 GreasedLightningGroupBackgroundcopy Fc0da521 48be 40c4 9194 4cdbd89aa239 MechabjornBackBackgroundcopy 75f08296 4e6b 4224 8714 Ea949cf8a893 MechabjornFrontBackgroundcopy 4f56fb99 C5b7 414f A7e6 3d00ac9ea40f OilbotBackgroundcopy Be2b4343 00b4 4e44 Aaa0 71806b0e2bdc PunchBagBackgroundcopy D0512808 0dd3 4188 Abc3 849c8a59687b TurnbuckleUpBackgroundcopy B612c8ac 8b83 4940 9feb A9ed7650e4b5 FollowspotsBackgroundcopy 44327ff1 A2f7 4f43 Be6e De73df0c47fe GreasedLightningBoardShotBackgroundcopy 4f43827b 6580 42e5 A249 A03355e2a001


With oil dripping from the excitable little oil bot, the ring will be extra slippery. Mechabjorn brings hydraulic fists ready to beatdown even the biggest of foes. Striking fear into the opposition is the Puncher Bag, a punching bag that punches back! Backing all these up is the ring itself, with the animate Turnbuckle-Up and Followspots.

The Dwarves of The Runic Thunder are an inventive bunch and are responsible for many of the mechanical creations that are part of Kaisers Palace. Greased Lightning is an expansion team for The Runic Thunder and brings a whole ring worth of mechanical mayhem.

Starting small, the Oilbot keeps the joints of your mechanical constructs lubricated and in tip top condition. They can hand out +AP and +MP counters to their mechanical friends, even if they’re not normally able to. You’ll need to be careful with them though, if they get too excited they’ll spray oil everywhere.

Followspots are animate ring lamps. They’re in the ring to put the spotlight on friendly wrestlers, letting them use their crowd pleaser for reduced AP costs. They’ll definitely want to be using their Shining Spear and Sirius Light Drop, both have +1 to their dice roll making them super consistent.

Puncher Bags are an interactive training creation. They’re a punching bag that punches back and they’ve made it their entire personality. Every time they take damage, they throw a punch. Every time they hit with Punch-Out, they hit again.

The Turnbuckle-Up is a walking turnbuckle, funnily enough. Wrestlers can climb them the same as a turnbuckle and even deal more damage with their own turnbuckle attacks if the crowd is kind enough.

Mechabjorn is the heavy hitter of the set and is part dwarf, part automaton. More than the sum of their parts the Mechabjorn can boost one of their already considerable stats each round. This weight 3 is really the heavy hitter of the team and much more versatile than the Puncher Bag

Contains 5 resin miniatures with 5 clear acrylic bases, and 5 character cards. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

FirstHairbenderFrontBackgroundcopy FirstHairbenderBackBackgroundcopy


Bitten by a troll that had drained an entire enchanted brook dry, The First Hairbender is the world’s master (and only) hairbender.

The First Hairbender was once known as Snorri Funderdome, a Glory Seeker that had an unfortunate run in with a magical troll. He lost an arm, but gained the mystical power of beard control. His phantom limb empowers his absurdly long beard, letting him fight with the power of Hairbending.

With not one, but two hair based grapple attacks (and a hair based activated ability) It’s clear that The First Hairbender wants to get his beard stuck in. Thanks to Hairbending though he can make any attacks (with his hair) from up to 3 squares away.

Contains 1 resin miniatures with 1 clear acrylic base, and 1 character card. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

SonjaProudbeardFrontBackgroundcopy SonjaProudbeardBackBackgroundcopy


Sonja Proudbeard took the RUMBLESLAM world by storm, even before revealing a decade into her career that she was in fact a woman. She’s now an advocate for other dwarves to make the same announcement.

Sonja Proudbeard brings a bit of colour to the dwarven lineup, now well known in the ring for her rainbow coloured beard, fierce language, and fighting style. This Sturdy dwarf doesn’t skip leg day, with a Short-Up-Kick that can be used against an opponent’s DEF or DEX, as well as a Sliding Knee Strike. Once she’s riled her crowd up Sonja really puts in her all, getting re-rolls for the rest of the round.

Contains 1 resin miniature with 1 clear acrylic base, and 1 character card. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

MisterFisterFrontBackgroundcopy MisterFisterBackBackgroundcopy


Mister Fister is the first of the Fister clan to enter the ring. He’s also the first to have made entirely mechanical fists. The latest iteration is a far cry from his grandfather’s fists, which he tore from a statue, much to the annoyance of its original owner.

Mister Fister is all about punching, and definitely not leg day. He’s made a set of mechanical fists and has made them his entire personality.

Despite having probably the worst movement of any dwarf, Mister Fister is able to get around the ring thanks to his piston powered fists. Best Fist Forward lets him zoom around the ring and even lets him brawl wrestlers that interrupt his movement. Why not follow that up with a Piston Punch, and send the unfortunate target back into the ropes. His Turnbuckle, Falling Double Fist throws a handful of strong dice and while takes a lot of AP, has a strong chance of dealing a beatdown.

Contains 1 resin miniatures with 1 clear acrylic bases, and 1 character card. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Ich muss mich nochmal näher mit den Regeln befassen.
    Das Spiel ist einfach nur super charmant und ich würde das doch gerne einmal ausprobieren.

  • Also ein paar von den Kämpfern/Teams, gerade die zuletzt rauskamen, waren schon sehr abgefahren.
    Aber man kann ja frei wählen, was und welche man nimmt.

    Finde, dass es eine richtig klasse Alternative zu Blitz Bowl ist (wenn nicht sogar besser).

    • Kann man Kämpfer mit identischem Symbol frei kombinieren?

      Und wegen Blitz Bowl oder dem: why not both?

    • Viel Spaß machen sie beide, da bin ich ganz bei Dir 🙂

      Ich denke nur, man kann beide Spiele schwer vergleichen, außer, dass es weitestgehend Sportspiele sind, die auf einem Raster-Spielfeld gezockt werden. Aktionen und Spielmechaniken sind dann aber doch sehr verschieden …

  • Ja, kann man frei kombinieren.

    Klar kann man auch beide System spielen (wenn man entsprechend Zeit, Geld und Mitspieler hat 🙂 ).

    Sind allg. beides Bier&Brezel-Spiele mit Fantay-Sportthema und konkret natürlich unterschiedlich.

    In einem engl. Bericht hatte ich mal gelesen, dass RS eher mit Bushido vergeichbar wäre (wohl wg. der individuellen Charakter-Fähigkeiten). Kann ich aber nicht beurteilen.

  • Sie haben es geschafft einen weiblichen zwerge mit bart zu modelieren, der (die) dennoch einen Hauch von femininen Zügen im Gesicht hat… grandios!

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