von BK-Bob | 06.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Raging Heroes: März Patreon & St. Patrick’s Day

Neben Heroes Infinite gibt es diesen Monat von Raging Heroes auch exklusive Saint Patrick’s Day Miniaturen.

RH Shiveryah St Patrick Exclusive 1 RH Shiveryah St Patrick Exclusive 2

Shiveryah St Patrick Exclusive – 19,00€

Saint Patrick’s Day Exclusive Limited Edition: only available this month!

Get a lucky charm with the Saint Patrick’s Day Limited Edition Shiveryah.
With Young Aegir, they are ready to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day! Let the shenanigans begin!

Sie ist fein aus Resin gefertigt. Sie passt perfekt zu 35-38 mm Miniaturen und Armeen. Die Box enthält eine runde 30-mm-Basis.

RH Young Aegir St Patrick Exclusive 1 RH Young Aegir St Patrick Exclusive 2

Young Aegir St Patrick Exclusive – 19,00€

Saint Patrick’s Day Exclusive Limited Edition: only available this month!

Let’s toast to a life filled with good fortune and the good company of Saint Patrick’s Day Limited Edition Young Aegir.
He’s ready to celebrate with his fellow Saint Patrick’s Day Limited Edition Shiveryah!

Let the shenanigans begin!

He is finely crafted in resin. He will fit perfectly with 35-38 mm miniatures and armies. Box includes a 30mm round base.

RH St Patrick Exclusive Box

St Patrick Exclusive Box – 29,00€

Saint Patrick’s Day Exclusive Limited Edition: only available this month!

Let’s toast to a life filled with good fortune and the good company of Saint Patrick’s Day Limited Edition Young Aegir and good luck charm Saint Patrick’s Day Limited Edition Shiveryah!

Let the shenanigans begin!

They are finely crafted in resin. They will fit perfectly with 35-38 mm miniatures and armies. Box includes 2 x 30mm round bases.

Warriors of the Secret Jungle

Hello dear Heroes Infinite Subscriber,

So, here it is!

As promised this month is about Aztec-inspired fantasy.

It really was a blast to create as it was full of stuff we never worked on before: the jungle vibe, the lizardfolks, the amazing mesoamerican culture, the feather ornaments, the incredible architecture…

The whole team was super excited about this theme and I guess it shows!

The characters are mysterious and majestic, we are extremely happy with our take on the lizard people, and the scenery elements are, as always, completely insane…

We hope you like them as much as we do because there are still so many characters still to do that it would be awesome to add a part two to this set!

Anyway, have fun watching the video and let us know what characters you like best 🙂

Happy watching,

Benoit and the Heroes Infinite Team

Enthalten im Leader Tier:

RH März Patreon 1 1 RH März Patreon 1 2 RH März Patreon 1 3 RH März Patreon 1 4 RH März Patreon 1 5 RH März Patreon 1 6 RH März Patreon 1 7 RH März Patreon 1 8 RH März Patreon 1 9 RH März Patreon 2 1 RH März Patreon 2 2 RH März Patreon 2 3 RH März Patreon 2 4 RH März Patreon 2 5 RH März Patreon 2 6

In the LEADER tier, you get access to 15+ models + an amazing centerpiece + decorated bases.

Zusatzinhalte im Overlord Tier:

RH März Patreon 3 1 RH März Patreon 3 2 RH März Patreon 3 3 RH März Patreon 3 4 RH März Patreon 3 5 RH März Patreon 4 1 RH März Patreon 4 2 RH März Patreon 4 3 RH März Patreon 4 4 RH März Patreon 4 5 RH März Patreon 4 6

In the OVERLORD tier, you get access to all Leader tier models + 23 additional models + scattered terrain + exclusive Necahual on Armillary Engine.

Quelle: Raging Heroes

Quelle: Heroes Infinite


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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