von BK-Bob | 22.09.2022 | eingestellt unter: Napoleonisch

Piano Wargames: Weitere Tiroler Volksaufstand Previews

Über den Sommer gab es einige weitere Previews von Piano Wargames zu dem Tiroler Volksaufstand Projekt.

Piano Wargames Tirol Preview 1 Piano Wargames Tirol Preview 2

Hi guys,
For the Tyrol 1809 campaign, there will also be a small contingent of Austrians.
On the 9th of April 1809, the 8th Army Corps under the leadership of General Chasteler crossed the border into Tyrol. Among the troops were two battalions of Landwehr from Carinthia (Kärnten), who were probably also actively involved in the fighting.
There will therefore be 3 sets of the Landwehr from Carinthia, and I wanted to give you a first preview!
The Landwehr from Carinthia is a bit different from the rest of the Landwehr uniforms, mainly because of the double-breasted coat and the great hat 😃
They’ve been loads of fun so far, though they’re not quite finished yet 🙂
I hope you like them!
There will be more soon, most of the Bavarians are ready for battle by now.

Piano Wargames Tirol Preview 3

Hi guys,
I hope you all get well through the heat of the last few days!
The temperatures at my computer are getting fiercer with each day, but I still managed to finish some new figures! 😁
Today I have another little preview for you, Bavarian Line Infantry skirmishing and half of the Light Infantry command.
The Line Infantry can also be used as Light Infantry, the uniforms were the same (but in a beautiful green!).
I hope you like it! I have finished 15 sets of infantry now, maybe the October launch will work in the end! 😃

Piano Wargames Tirol Preview 4

Hi guys,
Tomorrow we are going on holiday! 🤠
10 days of hiking in Eastern Europe, I’m looking forward to getting away from the PC for a while! 😃
That means there won’t be any new updates for the next two weeks, but I have one last one for you: Austrian Line Infantry!
I hope I will be able to show painted figures soon, the renders are just not the same… But I hope you like them!
They were a lot of fun to sculpt, especially the command set.
Many more to come, the last thing I was working on were some Jaegers… And soon some Tyroleans!
I wish you all the best, see you in a couple of weeks! ☺️

Piano Wargames Tirol Preview 5 Piano Wargames Tirol Preview 6 Piano Wargames Tirol Preview 7 Piano Wargames Tirol Preview 8

Hi guys,
I’ve spent a lot of time with the Tyroleans over the last few weeks, and apart from a few characters (I’ve saved those for last) I’ve almost finished them all now!
In total there will be 7 sets of fighting tyroleans in addition to the bavarians and austrians.
I hope you like them! Many more to come, they were sooo much fun to sculpt 😃
After the characters there are only a few sets of cavalry missing. I´ll keep you updated more regulary now, also with painted figures!
I will be at Tactica next week with a few of the new sets painted, and I´ll show them here too of course 🙂
Quelle: Piano Wargames bei Facebook

Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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