Piano Wargames: The Alps Aflame Preview
Es gibt Bilder bemalter Minis für den neusten Kickstarter von Piano Wargames und ein Datum wann es los geht.
I just finished painting the first miniatures of the upcoming Tyrol project: Austrian Line Infantry. They will have changable heads for shakos.My first painted miniatures in month, I have really noticed that I am out of practice!I hope you like them anyway, I painted them as the 26th regiment „Hohenlohe-Bartenstein“, as they were among the small contingent that crossed the border into Tyrol on 9 April 1809 to support the rebels.Right now I am painting the command unit, I hope I can finish a few more sets before Tactica next weekend!
As I already mentioned, last week I got the first painted miniatures back from Stephan Huber Miniature Painting who once again did an amazing job!Here´s the first preview for you guys, Bavarian Light Infantry command, together with some skirmishing Line/Light Infantry!I hope you like themI think the great thing about the bavarian infantry is that you can use them both for light and line infantry, so that you already have a second command unit for the line units (except for the hornist of corse).
Next week I will finally be finished with sculpting all the sets, more than I ever did for any project so far! And then painting, painting and painting
Another preview on the bavarians, this time the Schützen I already showed as 3D renders a while ago.Again wonderfully painted by Stephan Huber Miniature PaintingI hope you like them!Now back to painting some Austrians…
And some more previews, Bavarian line infantry and line grenadiersThe line infantry will have changeable heads as well, to give them some variation.Once again painted by the amazing Stephan Huber Miniature Painting!I hope you guys like themCurrently I am painting some Austrian jaegers, and some landwehr as well… More on that soon!Have a nice sunday!
Just finished painting my first Tyroleans!I wanted to start with the „Landsturm“, armed with melee weapons. Scythes, flails, clubs and more. All weapons are separate!I had a great time painting these guys, really something different from white uniformsThere are a lot of more sets for the Tyroleans. Schützen of course, a set with command figures, characters… And some more! Can’t wait to show you guys the rest of them
I painted some more of my new AustriansI think after this weekend I can say for sure when the Kickstarter will launch, still a few sets left to paint…The Austrian line infantry will come with seperate heads and I will do some shakos as well, so that they can be used for later campaigns.I really enjoy painting white these days, don´t know whyI hope you like them!
„The Alps Aflame – The Tyrolean Rebellion of 1809“ will go live on the 28th of November 2022 at 6:09 p.m. German time (18:09 Uhr deutscher Zeit)!There you have it guys, and I already set up the Pre-Launch page on Kickstarter, where you can suscribe to the project to be notified immediately after launch.The three figures shown in the picture are the free figures of this campaign, a captain or officer for every nation covered with this project (Austria, Bavaria and Tyrol)I hope you like them!Please consider suscribing to the Pre-Launch page if you are interestedI am still painting more and more sets for the big release, but it´s getting closer! A lot more previews this week.
Quelle: Piano Wargames bei Facebook
Insgesamt alles wieder sehr schöne Figuren. Bisher hat mich die 1809er Kampagne nie so wirklich interessiert, aber Lucas schafft es mit den schönen Figuren, Interesse zu wecken.
Bin auf jeden Fall bei dem KS dabei und dann wird die „Sachsenklemme“ mal auf den Spieltisch nachgestellt.
Toll, einfach toll 👍😍
Sehr schicke Minis und ein gutes Szenario für Skirmisher Regeln. Bin seit den ersten Rendern gespannt auf das crowdfunding.
Schönes Projekt, gerade die TirolerFl sind auch für andere Aufstände gut zu gebrauchen. Jetzt muss ich mich leider zwischen HoMM und den Figuren entscheiden.
Die Miniaturen sind einwandfrei modelliert und die Bayern umwerfend bemalt. Umso mehr ist es schade, dass die Bayern doch einige Fehler haben. So viele, dass sie historisch sehr ins wanken kommen… Etwas mehr Recherche wäre top gewesen, vor allem, weil so viel Zeit in das Modellieren ging …
Ich finde die Bayern klasse. Ich bin aber nicht so tief in der Materie drin, dass ich erkennen könnte, was bei denen nicht stimmt. Was stimmt denn nicht?