von BK-Markus | 28.07.2022 | eingestellt unter: Historisch, Napoleonisch

Perry Miniatures: Neuer Artikel

Perry Miniatures präsentieren einen neuen Artikel von „Stephan Huber“ über preußische Dragoner.

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This is another fantastic article for us by Stephan Huber, it will be up on our website under article soon.
Dragoons of the Kingdom of Prussia 1806
At the start of the 1806 campaign, there were 14 dragoon regiments in the Kingdom of Prussia. The regiments were numbered consecutively and named after the regimental owner. As a rule, the regiments were five squadrons strong, with the exception of the Dragoon Regiment No. 5 Königin (Queen) and Dragoon Regiment No. 6 Auer, which had ten squadrons. Each squadron carried its own guidons. Prussian Dragoons were regarded as light cavalry as they were mounted on so called Polish horses. However, dating back from the 7 Years War, Dragoon Regiment No. 4 Katte and No. 5 Königin retained 2/3 of German horses and were classed as heavy cavalry.
In 1806, the dragoons wore a very tall bicorn hat. A tall, white plume was worn along with cords ending in small pompons at the side of the hat, the colours differing from regiment to regiment.
The hat should be worn slanted slightly obliquely. A black ribbon was tied around the queue, which was quite short in 1806.
From 1802 the dragoons wore short, medium-blue cavalry style tunics (up to then, the coats were in cut like the infantry) with facings according to each regiment, the shoulder flaps on the left shoulder was also in the facing colour.
On the right shoulder, a cord was worn in either yellow or white depending on the button colour. A black neck stock with a white trim was worn around the collar.
The dragoons were issued with long, straight Dragoon swords (Pallasch) with brass baskets in a brown scabbard with brass fittings. The sabre strap was red leather with a woollen tassel dyed in squadron colours. The colours were:
1st squadron – white
2nd squadron – yellow
3rd squadron – green
4th squadron – light blue
5th squadron – red
6th squadron – black
7th squadron – dark blue
8th squadron – carmine red
9th squadron – orange
10th squadron – violet
There were basically two forms of horse saddlecloths, one square and one round.
12 men of each squadron were armed with rifled carbines and called Karabinier. They were the sharpshooters of the unit and had their plumes striped white and black.
Dragoon Regiment No. 7 von Baczko did not carry a Dragoon Pallasch but a cuirassier Pallasch.
Dragoon Regiment No. 9 Graf Von Herzberg (Count of Herzberg) should receive a new uniform in 1805 or 1806 with red facings and without the white Litzen (laces). However, it’s not entirely clear if the regiment did receive the uniforms in time of the campaign in 1806. So this guide shows both uniform variations on the uniform plates.
Non-commissioned officers wore white and black cords and pompons around the crown of their hat, the white plume had a black tip. A wide button-coloured lace ran along the edge of the cuffs. The shoulder strap and cords were silver or gold according to button colour. Since the non-commissioned officers did not carry a carbine, they carried their cartridge pouches for pistol ammunition over their left shoulders. The pouch belt was silver or gold and had a coloured tap at its edges that mostly was in regimental colours. The sabre strap for non-commissioned officers was also white and black.
Trumpeters held the rank of NCOs and had the same distinctions as described above but with a white plume with a red tip on their hats which had a red plumage around the brim. Each regiment had a specific lace for trumpeters that ran along the collar, sleeve cuffs, borders and lap cuffs as well as on the sewn-on swallow’s nest.
Officers wore a white plume with a black root and a cockade strap in the same colour as the button, as well as silver and black hat cords and pompons. In contrast to the enlisted men, the officers wore coats with long tails. At parade, expensive laces were worn on each of the buttons on the lapels. The same laces were also found on the buttons beneath the lapels and on the cuffs.
In the field, an interim coat cut as mentioned above (but without the expensive laces) was worn, or a simple, single-breasted one with no lapels but a turned down collar. As recognition of the officers, a silver sash with black stripes was wrapped around the waist with the knot on the left and the ends hanging behind the backsword. Officers were equipped with the same a sword, but with a silver and black sabre strap. Officers also wore silver or gold aiguillettes.
The intention by creating those plates was to provide a basic guide for painting the miniatures of Perry Miniatures.
Sources: Doepler 1806, Stammliste of 1804/ 1805 and 1806, Ramm 1800, Streit 1800 & Thieme 1792, Kling.
My biggest Thanks goes to Hans-Karl Weiss fort he always good cooperation, never getting tired when I had a question and for the unbelievable, never-ending knowledge and willingness to help. Stephan Huber, July 2022.


Quelle: Perry Miniatures auf Facebook


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