von BK-Pascal | 24.02.2022 | eingestellt unter: Conquest, Fantasy

Para Bellum Wargames: Old Dominion Teaser

Para Bellum planen für den 3.März die Vorstellung ihrer neuen Fraktion für Conquest und zeigen schon jetzt einige Artworks dazu.


All Regiments and Character Stands in the Army with the “Animate Vessels” Special Rule gain the Terrifying (1) Special Rule and may not perform an Inspire Action. However, Regiments receive the benefits of Inspiration when completing a successful Charge or from any other Special Rules that would allow them to count as Inspired.
In addition, Regiments with the Animate Vessels Special Rule do not have a Resolve Characteristic and are always considered as if they have passed any Morale or Resolve Characteristic Test. A Character Stand with the Animate Vessel Special Rule does not confer their Resolve Characteristic to the Regiment they are attached to.
However, Regiments with this Special Rule may still be Broken and/or Shattered as a result of casualties as their formation collapses and soldiers are cut down individually.
Surrounded by Fear and Dead Men: A Fallen Divinity must always be the Warlord. A Fallen Divinity is considered to be a Regiment by itself in addition of it also being a Character Stand and therefore uses all the relevant Regiment rules as if it was a Monster Regiment.
A Fallen Divinity Activates as if it was a Regiment, performs two Actions per Activation and has access to all Out-of-Combat and In-Combat Actions a Regiment has. In addition, the Fallen Divinity may also use the Duel Action and may not refuse a Duel from an enemy Character Stand. However, the Fallen Divinity is not affected by the effects of the Dark Power Pool.
The Fallen Divinity may not join another Regiment and does not need to include a Monster Regiment in its Warband to enter the battlefield. The Fallen Divinity does not need to include any other Regiments in its Warband. If a Rule affects any Regiments in the Fallen Divinity’s Warband, and there are no Regiments in its Warband, then it would also affect the Fallen Divinity.
Quelle: Para Bellum Wargames auf Facebook

Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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  • Da bin Ich mal gespannt, wie die Werte der Regimenter so sind. Nicht im normalen Kampf von Inspire profitieren zu können, kann gerade bei niedrigen Clashwerten sehr hart sein. Dafür natürlich nie Modelle durch Moral zu verlieren ist aber definitiv ein guter Bonus.
    Ich freu mich schon wenn am 3.3. die Werte im Armybuilder live gehen. 🙂

  • Grundsätzlich hätte ich schon Bock auf Conquest, aber gar kein Bock auf Gussgrate. Hoffentlich verbessern sie das. Ansonsten muss ich weiterhin passen.

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