von BK-Pascal | 02.06.2022 | eingestellt unter: Conquest, Fantasy

Para Bellum: Bone Golems Preorder

Para Bellum Games aben nun die Bone Golems für die Fraktion der Old Dominion in der Vorbestellung.

Parabellumstone3 Parabellumstone2 Parabellumstone1

The Bone Golems are available for pre-order, shipment to occur in July, 2022. Any orders containing this item will be held until available.

Box Contents

● 3 Plastic Miniatures
● 3 Brute Plastic Stands
● 3 Brute Bases
● 1 Command Card
Product Information

● Assembly: Required.
● Box size: 18x18x9cm; 410gr
● Material: Plastic
● Scale: 38mm

In Game Role

● Battlefield Role: Brute Regiment
● Class: Heavy
● Type: Brute


In their quest for knowledge the Dark Creed uncovered many secrets best left alone. prime among them was the fact that the very stones of Capitas were soaked with so much death and so much of Hazlia’s essence during the Fall that all they need to heed their master’s call to murder the living was a simple motivating consciousness… These massive constructs wreak havoc on the battlefield, their massive forms soaking unbelievable levels of damage as their massive limbs wreak havoc among enemy formations.

Preis: 47,99 EUR

Quelle: Para Bellum Games


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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