von BK-Pascal | 17.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Ouroboros Miniatures: Elven Trinity Kickstarter

Ouroboros Miniatures haben einen neuen Kickstarter gestartet. Ziel der Kampagne ist es drei Elven Damen als STL-Dateien zu finanzieren.



Welcome everyone to the Elven Trinity Kickstarter campaign. This campaign will focus on three brand new sculpts of differently themed female elf characters. We have chosen to go with feral, light and dark to show different aspects within elven society. These themes should give you nice opportunities to play around with different colour schemes.

They are Imrildana the animal whisperer, gentle yet temperamental. Arduriëth the highborn, prophet of Asyr. And Moraëth, child of Ithyr. ‚Blessed‘ with destructive dark powers!

The sculpts are released in STL files form only this time. We have set the size at 75mm and depending on how the campaign goes, we will also add bust versions as free stretch goals.

All the figures in this campaign have been  sculpted by Radmir Achmentov of Punga and Morana Models fame.


concept art by Juliana Wilhelm/Akira

STL files


Elven Trinity

Ouroboroselventrinity2 Ouroboroselventrinity3


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Ouroboroselventrinity6 Ouroboroselventrinity7



Elven Trinity EB

This pledge includes the STL files of Imrildana, Arduriëth and Moraëth offered in this campaign plus all unlocked stretch goals.

These are for personal use only. You may not sell, share or distribute any of the digital files.

Mindestbeitrag: 15,00 EUR

Elven Trinity

This pledge includes the STL files of Imrildana, Arduriëth and Moraëth offered in this campaign plus all unlocked stretch goals.

These are for personal use only. You may not sell, share or distribute any of the digital files.

Mindestbeitrag: 18,00 EUR

Elven Trinity Merchant license EB

This pledge includes the STL files of Imrildana, Arduriëth and Moraëth offered in this campaign plus all unlocked stretch goals.

This pledge grants you a commercial license for life and gives you the rights to sell 3D printed copies of every Elven Trinity character featured in this campaign.

Reselling of the stl files is strictly prohibited.

The Cyber City and Beholder add-ons are not part of this license!!!

Mindestbeitrag: 50,00 EUR

Elven Trinity Merchant license

This pledge includes the STL files of Imrildana, Arduriëth and Moraëth offered in this campaign plus all unlocked stretch goals.

This pledge grants you a commercial license for life and gives you the rights to sell 3D printed copies of every Elven Trinity character featured in this campaign.

Reselling of the stl files is strictly prohibited.

The Cyber City and Beholder add-ons are not part of this license!!!

Mindestbeitrag: 75,00 EUR




We have included the possibility of getting some add-ons from previous campaigns. You can add these to your pledge if you want them.

The Cyber City and Beholder stl files are not part of the Merchant license. For Merchants who would like to get a licence deal, please contact us for details.

Terms of use: Ouroboros Miniatures owns all images, files, logos and documents that you might download. You are purchasing a license to print our files and use our documents for non commercial use only. You may not sell, share or distribute any of our digital files. You may modify the files for personal use only and not create any derivative works that are used in any commercial manner. You may not sell the printed items unless agreed to and licensed directly from Ouroboros Miniatures.

Stretch goals


all the miniatures and busts from this campaign will be professionally pre-supported by Atlas 3D Support Solutions!!


if we reach €2250,- then all Elven Trinity pledges (Merchants too of course!) will get the Imrildana bust added to their pledge for free!

Delivery info

When will you receive your files?

Backers will receive the STL files professionally pre-supported and unsupported distributed through MyMiniFactory within a month after campaigns ends. This is dependent on Kickstarter’s release of funds which is a 2+ week window post-campaign. All files will be released immediately after this.


As always there are a few people we would like to thank. The following people who’s help and hard work have made it possible to do this campaign

Radmir Achmentov – sculpting
Atlas 3D Support Solutions – supports
Kyle Cruickshank/Mr Lee’s Minis – test prints
Robert Russell/Paladin Prints – test prints
Juliana Wilhelm/Akira – concept art

Risiken und Herausforderungen

The Elven Trinity STL files are all ready to go. We will wait until the funds have arrived from Kickstarter, which usually takes roughly two weeks, before we send you the files.

We have done a number of successful campaigns with almost all delivered on time. There was only one campaign being delivered late due to unforeseen circumstances. All others were shipped on time or even ahead of the estimated delivery times. With these being a STL files only campaign, we do not foresee any delays.

We have great confidence that we can deliver yet another project successfully and on time and deliver you some fine outstanding products!

Quelle: Ouroboros Miniatures auf Kickstarter


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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    • Ich fürchte, das ist mittlerweile zwingend beim Design einzubauen. Aber Geschmacksache sprach der Affe und biss in die Seife 😉

      Bis auf das Schuhwerk gefallen mir die Minis aber recht gut.

  • Der Hersteller hat gute Konzepte, aber bei den endgültigen Designs fehlen mir irgendwie immer die letzten 10-20%. Sei es Details an den Texturen oder die sehr ähnlichen Gesichter.
    Irgendwie sieht es oft aus als wären 32mm Figuren auf 75mm hochskaliert worden.
    Die linke Frau geht noch aufgrund ihres Blättermantels, aber bei den anderen beiden ist nichts an Details an den Mänteln zu erkennen. Bei der rechten Damit mit Zauberstab gilt das sogar für die komplette Kleidung.
    Wenn du freehand über freehand malen willst(und kannst) kann man sich da sicherlich austoben. Aber wenn du da bereit bist soviel Zeit zu investieren, gibt es meiner Meinung nach bessere Alternativen da draußen

  • Hm, ein Kickstarter für die STL-Files von drei Elfinnen (+ ggf. Strech Goals). Gut sehen die ja aus – und ich denke, dass der am Ende so mehr Geld einnehmen wird, als wenn er die Damen auf Myminifactory, gumroad und Co. anbieten würde. Trotzdem erscheint mir das etwas wenig für einen Kickstarter…

    Aber gut, wir werden ja mittlerweile echt verwöhnt, da andere Studios über ihren Patreon jeden Monaten Massen an Minis raushauen – die wenigstens ab und an ähnlich gut gestaltet sind wie die Damen hier…

Die Kommentarfunktion ist geschlossen.