von BK-Nils | 14.01.2022 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Fantasy

Ninja Division: First Tide Orcs Release

Eine Welle wilder Orks kommt von Ninja Division für Super Dungeon Explore.

Ninja Division Junk Reavers 1 Ninja Division Junk Reavers 2

Ninja Division Junk Reavers 3 Ninja Division Junk Reavers 4 Ninja Division Junk Reavers 5 Ninja Division Junk Reavers 6

Ninja Division Junk Reavers 7 Ninja Division Junk Reavers 8

Junk Reavers – 58,99 GBP

Junk Reavers is a Spawning Point model set for Super Dungeon.

Junk Reaver gangs scour the Undercove looking for the choicest bits of scrap clockwork cast aside by the Cove Above. They will then gather their scavenged loot to the crystal growths that pierce the barriers between the Dark Realm and Crystalia in the hope that the magic energies will seep into the shattered gear, granting it new properties. There is no evidence that magical equipment can be created in such a way, but the Junk Reavers believe and they guard their junk heap hoards with savagery that is rarely matched.


  • 1x Junk Reaver Crystal Masterclass Miniature (Spawning Point)
  • 1x Rust Boss Masterclass Miniature
  • 4x Junker Masterclass Miniatures
  • 3x Rusty Arrows Masterclass Miniatures
  • 1x Junk Reaver CrystalExplore Card
  • 1x Rust Boss Explore Card
  • 1x Junker Explore Card
  • 1x Rusty Arrows Explore Card
  • 1x Junk Reaver Crystal Arcade Card
  • 1x Junkers Jamborie Arcade Card
  • 1x Rusty Arrows Arcade Card
  • 1x 50mm Black Base
  • 7x 25mm Black Bases

Take your Super Dungeon hobby to the next level with Super Dungeon: Masterclass! This premium line of resin models is specifically designed for hobby enthusiasts and gamers alike! Featuring Heroes and monsters from throughout the realms of Crystalia, these finely detailed miniatures bring the world of Super Dungeon to life as never before. Each Masterclass miniature includes cards that allow it to be used in your games of Super Dungeon!

These are unpainted resin models. Preparing, cleaning up, and assembly may be required.

Ninja Division Orcdon Ramsay 1 Ninja Division Orcdon Ramsay 2 Ninja Division Orcdon Ramsay 3 Ninja Division Orcdon Ramsay 4

Orcdon Ramsay – 26,99 GBP

Orcdon Ramsay is a Mini-Boss and Hero model for Super Dungeon.

“Me mother taught me this recipe. A saint she was. Terrible cook. But I had to eat it. So yer gonna too.”


  • 1x Orcdon Ramsay Masterclass Miniature
  • 1x Orcdon Ramsay Mini-Boss Explore Card
  • 1x Orcdon Ramsay Mini-Boss Arcade Card
  • 1x Ingredient Pouch Treasure Card
  • 1x Orc Chef Hero Card
  • 1x 50mm Black Base

Take your Super Dungeon hobby to the next level with Super Dungeon: Masterclass! This premium line of resin models is specifically designed for hobby enthusiasts and gamers alike! Featuring Heroes and monsters from throughout the realms of Crystalia, these finely detailed miniatures bring the world of Super Dungeon to life as never before. Each Masterclass miniature includes cards that allow it to be used in your games of Super Dungeon!

This is an unpainted resin model. Preparing, cleaning up and assembly may be required.

Ninja Division Ugluk The Mechanically Inclined 1 Ninja Division Ugluk The Mechanically Inclined 2 Ninja Division Ugluk The Mechanically Inclined 3 Ninja Division Ugluk The Mechanically Inclined 4

Ugluk The Mechanically Inclined – 26,99 GBP

Ugluk The Mechanically Inclined is a Mini-Boss and Hero model for Super Dungeon.

Ugluk has the distinct honor of being the only member of the Scrap Guild to be excommunicated. Ugluk’s proclivity for “improving” other guild members‘ creations could not be tolerated.


  • 1x Ugluk The Mechanically Inclined Masterclass Miniature
  • 1x Ugluk The Mechanically Inclined Mini-Boss Explore Card
  • 1x Ugluk The Mechanically Inclined Mini-Boss Arcade Card
  • 1x Cog Hammer Treasure Card
  • 1x Cog War Reaver Hero Card
  • 1x 50mm Black Base

Take your Super Dungeon hobby to the next level with Super Dungeon: Masterclass! This premium line of resin models is specifically designed for hobby enthusiasts and gamers alike! Featuring Heroes and monsters from throughout the realms of Crystalia, these finely detailed miniatures bring the world of Super Dungeon to life as never before. Each Masterclass miniature includes cards that allow it to be used in your games of Super Dungeon!

This is an unpainted resin model. Preparing, cleaning up and assembly may be required.

Quelle: Ninja Division


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ja leider. Vermute schon, das sie versuchen einen Cash-Flow zu erzeugen. Und es gibt ja auch regelmäßig neue Releases. Aber ob sie jemals das Geld zusammenbekommen, um beide Kickstarter auszuliefern mag ich bezweifeln. Hat wer der Ausgabeoption für Teillieferungen des Relic Knight Kickstarters wahrgenommen?

    • Ja, Relic Knight funktioniert einigermassen. Mein Kumpel hat alles bekommen was bis jetzt verfügbar ist. Ich habe einen Teil bekommen. Müsste eine Bestellung tätigen um den Rest auch noch zu bekommen.

      Bis zum erfüllen von SDE wird es aber noch Jahre dauern mit dem Tempo. Ich denke COVID hat nochmals für grossere Verzögerungen gesorgt und schadet auch dem jetzigen Modell sehr. Kann also gut sein, dass es nicht klappt. Leider. Ich war sehr optimistisch als sie angefangen haben erst Way of the Fighter und dann auch Relic Knights auszuliefern.

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