von BK-Nils | 20.07.2022 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda

Necromunda: Gorvos Crime Syndicate Preview

Das Gorvos Crime Syndicate betritt bald die lichtlosen Tiefen von Necromunda, mit zwei neuen Modellen.

The Gorvos Crime Syndicate Enter the Underhive With Inimitable Style… and Lots of Gunk Bombs

The bar door swings open. The music stops. Every patron falls silent. With a flash of his winning smile and a flourish of his two master-crafted stub guns, Vunder Gorvos strolls in – swiftly followed by Gaen, his furious (and far more capable) sister.
Games Workshop The Gorvos Crime Syndicate Enter The Underhive With Inimitable Style… And Lots Of Gunk Bombs 1

This troublesome twosome are the self-styled nobility of the underhive. The Gorvos crime family controls Two Tunnels, Draek’s Gantry, and the Grey Wastes Trading Post, and the dozen or so surrounding domes in a surprisingly solid alliance with the Faebrun and Kaorka clans.

Vunder Gorvos fully believes he is a hive noble – festooned in fine fashion and aping any uphive affectations such as the exotic pet that perches on his shoulder. Of course, he’s a complete buffoon, despised by everyone he meets, and a total liability for his family. Still, he’s sort of handy with a sword.

Games Workshop The Gorvos Crime Syndicate Enter The Underhive With Inimitable Style… And Lots Of Gunk Bombs 2

Gaen Gorvos, on the other hand, a.k.a. the Gunk Queen, is a pauper princess who has used her skills to claim leadership of the Gorvos clan. Unlike Vunder, she remains focused on the business of earning cold-hard credits for the family rather than hob-nobbing with faux-nobility.

She oversees the manufacture of gunk directly, outfitting her gangers with gunk rounds and gunk bombs, and even lacing her throwing knives with the lethal stuff.

Games Workshop The Gorvos Crime Syndicate Enter The Underhive With Inimitable Style… And Lots Of Gunk Bombs 3

Gaen also spends a fair amount of time trying to get Vunder killed by hiring him out to various gangs who need some extra muscle. Oblivious to this and carried through by braggadocio alone, he has so far managed to blunder his way through each of these assassination attempts, even when Gaen tags along to “supervise”.*

If you need some warm bodies in your gang, you will soon be able to hire these squabbling siblings. Just keep an ear out for the clink of stylish metal plated boots – they’re so hot right now – and the acrid stink of fresh gunk wafting through the air.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Die gefallen mir ziemlich gut. Wenn das nicht Forgeworld-Resin zu Forgeworld-Preisen wäre, würde ich mir die vielleicht sogar holen.

  • ich muss zugegeben, aus einigen der FW Necromunda charaktere würde ich echt gerne was für Stargrave machen. sind schon schick, diese hier eingeschlossen.

    • Wie gut ist da der Coop/Solomodus?
      Bin aktuell versucht, 5 Parsecs auf ein GW oder Necromunda-Setting (falls man die Planeten auch als Areale der Makropole umdeuten kann; habe bisher nur 5 Leagues) umzukrempeln. Ich mag ja die Minis und den Hintergrund 🤷‍♂️

  • Der Herr links würde mit ein wenig Modifikation auch gut im Fantasy-Setting einsetzbar sein.

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