von BK-Nils | 11.11.2022 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines

Necromunda: Dealer Preview

Was letzte Preis? Mit diesen Worten werden vielleicht auch in den Tiefen der Makropolen von Necromunda die Dealer empfangen, die alles mögliche an Gegenständen, legale bis illegale, im Angebot haben.

No Money Back, No Guarantee – Meet Necromunda’s New Wheeler Dealers

In the depths of the underhive, there’s not many places where you can buy things legally. So when it comes to weapons, exotic beasts or even religious trinkets (heretical or otherwise), there’s only one place to go.

Forge World No Money Back, No Guarantee – Meet Necromunda’s New Wheeler Dealers 1

Market stalls have been the haunt of dodgy dealers for millennia, and you can now add their colourful proprietors to your games of Necromunda with the arrival of the Underhive Traders – a set of three smooth-talking spivs, each with their own game rules and unique abilities.

You can hire one as a Hanger-on for your gang, depending on what you need most in your campaign. Having them around gives your gangers access to an array of naughty merchandise. Crucially, these traders have the ability to source goods that are more elusive. And with Necromunda on the brink of civil war, now is as good a time as any to stock up on guns, pets, and relics!

This new kit contains three resin miniatures, consisting of a Relicmonger – a purveyor of dubious religious artefacts, the Gun-smyth, who can unsurprisingly source you anything from a stub pistol to a lascannon, and the Beastwrangler – because you never know when a semi-domesticated sumpkroc might come in handy.

Forge World No Money Back, No Guarantee – Meet Necromunda’s New Wheeler Dealers 2 Forge World No Money Back, No Guarantee – Meet Necromunda’s New Wheeler Dealers 3 Forge World No Money Back, No Guarantee – Meet Necromunda’s New Wheeler Dealers 4

Of course, it is unwise to spend time in the underhive without protection, so naturally each model in the set is armed – a maul for the Relicmonger, a lasgun for the Beastwrangler, and a small arsenal for the Gun-smyth consisting of a bolt pistol, stub pistol, and shotgun (talk about sampling from your own supply).

Forge World No Money Back, No Guarantee – Meet Necromunda’s New Wheeler Dealers 5

It’s not just bundles of teeth and muscle that your friendly Beastwrangler can get you either – there are plenty of desirable, and very illegal, creatures roaming Necromunda, such as the Gyrinx Cat, one of which is included. This xenos felid packs a potent psychic punch and can perform the same tricks of the mind as any other psyker, including Pyromancy, Technomancy, and Telepathy.

You can find the full rules for this entrepreneurial trio in Necromunda: Book of the Outcast.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • Schade
      Ich wollte nur die eine Figur ☹️
      Egal kaufe ich alle 3und werde die anderen 2. In der Bucht los.😃

    • Mir wäre Plaste auch ganz klar lieber, bei der Art von Mini für den Zweck mit den Absatzzahlen muss ich aber einsehen, dass sich die Formherstellung für Plaste vermutlich wirklich nicht lohnen würden. 🙁

  • Tolle Modelle.
    Und diesmal sogar Hired Guns die man wirklich gerne in der Bande hat!

    Und je nach Bande braucht man das eine oder andere.
    Schade, dass es wieder 2-3 Monate dauern wird, bis sie im Shop verfügbar sind.

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