von BK-Pascal | 22.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Mortian: ZM Terrain Upgrade Second Wave Kickstarter

In seiner neusten Kickstarter Kampagne möchte Mortian STL-Dateien für Erweiterungsteile für Zone Mortalis finanzieren.


The files provided by this project will fit the Necromunda Zone Mortalis plastic kit done by Games Workshop. You will need a Necromunda Zone Mortalis kit to use most of these parts. The parts provided will be attached to existing wall and pillar elements or replace single wall or pillar elements. The parts do not fit the old Zone Mortalis done by Forgeworld.

This project will not contain any parts of the Zone Mortalis kit done by Games Workshop.

This project is not connected to Games Workshop in any way.

This project is not an official „Necromunda“ or „Zone Mortalis“ kit.



All the parts shown in the KS are included in the price. All files are presupported

Strech goals will be added in the next days.

Scroll all the way down for the mandatory Terms and conditions for the licences.

Arc (height: 2 elements)


Steel beam arc (height: 2 or 3 elements)


Pillar cover with pipes (height: 2 or 3 elments) and eagle head


Big tank with adapters to GW pipes


Pipe system adapters to wall, pillars and floor tiles


Crane system


Fuel container (stackable with GW containers)


7.500€ Strechgoal: high windows (still WIP)


10.000€ Strechgoal: Gas container (stackable with the GW containers)


10.000€ Strechgoal: Generator on Flatbed


10.000€ Strechgoal: Empty Flatbed


12.500€ Strechgoal: Laser wall



Single Licence (Non EU)correct

You will get a voucher with 30€ credit in the mortian shop. You can use this credit only for the digital files shown in this Kickstarter. The credit will not expire.

The STL files will have a price of 30€ for non EU customers.
The price will not include any taxes.

Mindestbeitrag: 30,00 EUR

Single Licence (EU)correct

You will get a voucher with 35€ credit in the mortian shop. You can use this credit only for the digital files shown in this Kickstarter. The credit will not expire.

The STL files will have a price of 35€ for EU customers.
The price will include value added taxes according to your country.

Mindestbeitrag: 35,00 EUR

Group/Friends Licence (Non EU) correct

You will get a voucher with 40€ credit in the mortian shop. You can use this credit only for the digital files shown in this Kickstarter. The credit will not expire.

The STL files will have a price of 40€ for non EU customers.
The price will not include any taxes.

Mindestbeitrag: 40,00 EUR

Group/Friends Licence (EU) correct

You will get a voucher with 48€ credit in the mortian shop. You can use this credit only for the digital files shown in this Kickstarter. The credit will not expire.

The STL files will have a price of 48€ for EU customers.
The price will include any value added taxes.

Mindestbeitrag: 48,00 EUR

Terms and conditions

Most of it is quite obvious. If you buy the files you must agree to these Terms and conditions:
Licence Agreement for the use of digital products

This licence agreement is effective as soon as the contract for purchase is confirmed by the customer in the checkout process.
This licence is set between:
Licensor: Mortian / Germany


Licensee: The customer

The parties agree to the following terms:
The Licensor grants the Licensee a non-exclusive licence to print physical copies based on the 3D files provided.
The Licensor retains all title and ownership of the work and derivative works will be assigned to Licensor by Licensee. Licensee may not sub-license, sell or transfer this license without express written permission from Licensor.

Duration of the licence:
All licences are lifetime licences.

Licensee shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Licensor from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, expenses, and liability, including without limitation, suits arising from offering, promoting, advertising, sale, or use by Licensee, or any of its authorized sub-licensees, of the Authored Work, whether or not such use conforms to standards set by Licensor.

The Licensee is acting independently from Licensor in relation to the performance of marketplace services. Nothing herein shall create any relationship beyond licensor and licensee between the parties. Licensee is expressly neither an employee of, nor an independent contractor of, Licensor.

Transfer of the ownership of the IP:
The owner of the Licence is allowed to transfer the IP to a new Licence holder. This contract stays binding towards the new owner of the IP.

The licence allows you the following actions:


* Only within your group of friends or your hobby club. All members must be located in the same city, suburb or area of the owner. No sharing to the public.

** Yes, if the modification is so substantial that a new unique product is created.

Fine for breaking the agreement:
If the Licensee breaks this agreement (for example by sharing the files or using them in a commercial manner without owning the commercial licence)
a minimum contractual penalty of 5.000€ has to be paid to the Licensor.

Any change or amendment of this agreement must be done in written form.

Applicable Law:
This agreement should be governet by the laws of Germany.

If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or
unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and
enforceable. If a court finds that any provision of this Agreement is invalid or
unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision it would become valid or enforceable,
then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited.


Quelle: Mortian auf Kickstarter


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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