von BK-Christian | 22.10.2022 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Modulorka: Huntaz V Horde STL Kickstarter

Orks, Orks, Orks, Orks.

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MODULORKA : HORDE V HUNTAZ is a collection of ORCtacular STL files which you can use to 3D print amazing Orc mins and terrain to play MODULORKA or any other sci-fi wargame featuring Orcs!

The core set is a huge bundle of Orc and Terrain STLs by MrModulork all available at a MASSIVE discount compared to their usual purchase price.

Also included is the free MODULORKA Essentials Pack, which has everything you need to print and play MODULORKA, including rules, objective markers, and tons of other accessories.

MODULORKA is a free-to-play Orcs V Orcs Skirmish Wargame with a focus on simple rules, dynamic action, and the the power to be as creative with your units as you are with your miniatures.

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The CORE SET includes everything you need to build two full MODULORKA wargangs each with a variety of loadouts and strategic choices.

Inside are the STL equivalent of 20 Orc Minis, and 15 pieces of Terrain. But these are MrModulork kits and are made from modular pieces which you can build and recombine across kits – so with these STLs you can print a huge horde of unique Orcs with no clones or repetition – or build an elite gang of very own unique designs!

Backing the CORE SET now will save over 50% off the retail price when bought separately.


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Also bundled with the CORE SET is the free MODULORKA Essentials Kit, which includes everything you need to print & play MODULORKA including:

  • The Core Roolz book
  • Class Datacards
  • Weapons and Wargear Datacards
  • Mission and Battlefield Cards
  • Dice
  • Objective Markers
  • Measuring Stick
  • Activation, State, VP and Counter Tokens

Stretch Goals:

If you thought the CORE SET was all, you ain’t seen nothing yet.


The ALL-IN pledges gives you the Core Set and every unlocked stretch goal.

ALL-IN is a steal!. Depending on backing, the content can save you anything between 55% to 75% off individual purchase price.

At $500 in pledges, those with the ALL-IN reward tiers will get 10 EXTRA HEADS to max out variation on your troops.

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At $1500 in pledges, those with the ALL-IN reward tiers will get a HEAVY GUNNER kit to mow down their opponent. This will be a brand new mini kit made especially for this campaign. (Appearance may vary from this mockup)

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At $3500 in pledges, those with the ALL-IN reward tiers will get a HUNTA-BOSS kit to cleave through their foes. This will be a brand new mini kit made especially for this campaign. (Appearance may vary from this mockup)

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At $6000 in pledges, those with the ALL-IN reward tiers will get an ARMA-BOSS kit to inspire your troops. This will be a brand new mini kit made especially for this campaign. (Appearance may vary from this mockup)

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At $9000 in pledges, those with the ALL-IN reward tiers will get a WARR-LOKK kit to psychically mutilate their foes.

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At $12000 in pledges, those with the ALL-IN reward tiers will get TRUCK, ACCESSORIES and DRIVERS kits to drive their lads into the thick of the fight.

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At $16000 in pledges, those with the ALL-IN reward tiers will get a RETRO CHAMPION kit – a veteran warrior from the 2nd age. This will be a brand new mini kit made especially for this campaign. (Appearance may vary from this mockup)

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Finally, At $22000 in pledges, those with the ALL-IN reward tiers will get the JUNK FORTRESS kit – a massive modular terrain set which you can use to build bases and fortifications. This will be a brand new kit made especially for this campaign. (Appearance may vary from this mockup)

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@MrModulork minis use the MODULORK system, meaning every kit is interchangeable. With a huge and ever growing variety of kits, there are not only tons of orcy options, but hundreds of bits to be remixed and kitbashed however you want.

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MODULORKA is a Free-to-Play, Orc V Orc Skirmish Combat Game, with straightforward, easy-to-learn rules that make for snappy, dynamic, and brutal games. Unleash your creativity and build your very own gang of orc ladz, each with their own unique character, weapon and skills, then have them duke it out in brutal combat!

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MODULORKA is a live game with free updates every month. Shake up your tactics and expand your army every month with free new unit and wargear cards. Subscribe to the @MrModulork Patreon for new monthly models to download, print and play

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Everything you need to know to play MODULORKA can be condensed to two pages. The volume of stuff you need to remember and keep track of is made as small as possible. The core rules are light as hell – but that doesn’t mean the game is simple! Those core rules set up a simple framework of states and actions as a foundation, which you the player build upon by designing your characters and wargang.

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Build strategy from character, as you design your Ladz & their loadout. Using these simple building blocks, you can build engaging and distinct characters with their own unique playstyles. In MODULORKA you can be as creative with your units as you are with your miniatures. Build custom, unique minis and then design loadouts to make sure your models play like they look they should.

Straightforward solo rules allow for dynamic and challenging play against AI opponents with distinct personalities. Test the mettle of your Ladz against pre-designed rival wargangs or those of your own creation.

Quelle: MODULORKA : Huntaz V Horde || Orc STL Starter Pack & Wargame


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Seeehr cooles Projekt!
    Bin echt heiß drauf die Regeln zeitnah mal zu testen.
    DAS ist für mich endlich mal wieder ein echtes Kickstarter-Projekt 🙂

  • Gleich vorweg: Wirklich saugeile Orks und dann noch modular! Genial! Da steh ich voll drauf. 😀

    Blöd: Das sind halt (fast alle?) seine alten Orks aus seinem Shop(cults): https://cults3d.com/en/users/MrModulork/creations?page=1
    Klar spart man jetzt jetzt ein paar EURO über den KS gegenüber dem Einzelkauf, aber 56€ (+Steuer?) für nen paar (alte) stl-Dateien find ich doch ganz schön happig. Hier wird KS wieder mal als reine Verkaufs-/Werbeplattform gebraucht. Naja, vieleicht kommen ja im Lauf der Kampagne wirklich noch nen paar neue Minis…

    Hier übrigens sein Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MrModulork

    Aber trotzdem: Sehr geile Orkse! 🙂

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