von BK-Nils | 15.12.2022 | eingestellt unter: Herr der Ringe

Mithril Miniatures: Dezember Neuheiten

Zum Jahresende haben Mithril Miniatures zwei Neuheiten in der Vorbestellung, die nach dem Jahreswechsel ausgeliefert werden.

Mithril Miniatures MZ707 Lord Of The Rings 'FIRIEL™ Receives The Embassy Of GONDOR™' Resin Vignette 1 Mithril Miniatures MZ707 Lord Of The Rings 'FIRIEL™ Receives The Embassy Of GONDOR™' Resin Vignette 2

Lord of the Rings ‚FIRIEL receives the embassy of GONDOR‘ Resin Vignette – 39,95 Euro

Fíriel was the third child and daughter of King Ondoher of Gondor.

Fíriel was wed to prince Arvedui of Arnor in T.A. 1940 when Arvedui’s father Araphant made an alliance with Ondoher. The alliance proved fruitless, however. Neither side could send help to the other as both Kingdoms came under attack: Arnor by Angmar and Gondor by the Wainriders.

During the Disaster of the Morannon, Ondoher and his sons Artamir and Faramir were killed, which meant that according to the Law of Númenor, Fíriel should have become the Ruling Queen. Arvedui referred to this ancient law, as well as the fact that he was a direct descendant of Isildur, as arguments to claim the crown of Gondor, but he was refused.

Fíriel remained with her husband in the north, though her fate in the fall of Arthedain was never recorded. She did have a son, Aranarth, who continued the line of Isildur.

Only 100 of these figures are produced. This is the 192nd release in the Gold Status Fellowship club. This was the winning idea from November 2021 and was submitted by Fellowship member „Luthien Tinuviel„. This is the fourth fully resin figure, undercoated with matt grey primer. It is created in one piece. The base has the manufacturer name, MITHRIL, date and number on the sides of the base and also has the product number, copyright name and date and manufacturer name on bottom. It measures (??)mm in length, and is about (??)mm in height from the base to the top of Firiel’s head. More details will be available on release.

Mithril Miniatures 2022 Lord Of The Rings 'ELROHIR™ At Pelennor Fields' Christmas Miniature 1 Mithril Miniatures 2022 Lord Of The Rings 'ELROHIR™ At Pelennor Fields' Christmas Miniature 2

Lord of the Rings ‚ELROHIR at Pelennor Fields‘ Christmas Miniature – 21,00 Euro

Elrohir was the twin brother to Elladan and the son of Elrond the Half-elven and Celebrían of Rivendell. His younger sister was Arwen. The brothers aided the Fellowship and fought against the Mordor Orcs that were attacking Minas Tirith and later went on to battle at the Black Gate.

This is due to be available in early January 2023. More details will be provided at that stage.

Only 100 of these figures are produced. These are a hybrid release with a metal base and a resin body. It require assembly as it comes in 2 parts, the figure itself and its base. It measures (??)mm in height from bottom of raised base to top of his head, Base is (??)mm high. The figure itself is 32mm scale.

 Quelle: Mithril Miniatures

Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Die schauen ja zumindest halbwegs brauchbar aus, im Gegensatz zu den letzten Releases, aber die Preise nenn ich Mal ordentlich gesalzen.

    • Natürlich Geschmackssache daher seht es mir nach aber halbwegs brauchbar war nicht meine Assoziation, schon gar nicht bei dem Preis.
      Meine Assoziation war eher „oh, wie nett, lassen sie den 5 Jährigen auch was rendern. Moment, 40 EURO, HABEN DIE LACK GESOFFEN?“ 😂

  • Mich wundert, dass die so konstant bleiben. Konstant unteres Designniveau bei konstant sehr hohen Preisen. Irgendwer muss das ja finanzieren… Aber wer kauft heutzutage solche Minis zu solchen Preisen?

  • Ich zum Beispiel finde die richtig gut. Hab nur keine Zeit mehr.

    Das was hier alle immer zum Weinen bringt, dass nämlich GW und Co ständigen Scalecreep, neues Aussehen, Retconning von Einheiten betreiben, ist hier nicht der Fall.

    Es ist wie alles Geschmacksache, aber mir t. B. gefallen die überladenen, unruhigen Riesenminis von GW überhaupt nicht mehr.

    Ich mag dagegen viele ältere Sachen, sogar die GW Presöotras und Mithril hat schon was. Seit Jahrzehnten eine konsistente, durchgängige Serie im gleichen Stil. Mir gefällts

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