von BK-Pascal | 10.01.2022 | eingestellt unter: Patreon

Mini Monster Mayhem: Treasure of Old Januar Patreon

Für den Januar haben Mini Monster Mayhem einige ihrer alten Sculpts überarbeitet und in ein STL Paket für Patreons gepackt.


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Treasures of Old/ January 2022 release Live!

January 2022 release is now live and MMF invites have been sent out.

I will also be adding the normal drive link later today. I hope everyone enjoys the changes and additions to these older sculpts that didnt get as much attention over 1.5 years ago!


Forest Dragon ( Regal pose) ( 220mm long/ 75mm base)

Forest Dragon ( Guardian Wings) (320mm tall/ 75mm base)

Vile Steel Dragon ( Original pose/ New Wings) (270mm tall/ 100mm base)

Vile Steel Dragon ( Flight pose breathing fire) ( 215mm tall/ 125mm base)

Gold Dragon ( Original Stoic Pose) (230mm tall/ 100mm base)

Dragon Born Berzerker ( Attack Pose) (50mm tall)

4x heads (3 dragon/ 1 human)

3x torsos ( wing variations)

3x legs ( tail variations)

3x great weapons (axe, sword, mace)

Dragon Born Berzerker ( taunting pose) (50mm tall)

4x heads (3 dragon/ 1 human)

3x torsos ( wing variations)

3x legs ( tail variations)

3x great weapons (axe, sword, mace)

Dragon Born Berzerker ( Stoic pose) (50mm tall)

4x heads (3 dragon/ 1 human)

3x torsos ( wing variations)

3x legs ( tail variations)

3x great weapons (axe, sword, mace)

Enslaved Construct ( 125mm tall/ 50mm base)

Lich Giant ( 130mm tall/ 100mm base)

Monument Hobbies 3rd quater rewards

Scifi Hunter (75mm mini)

Native Female (75mm mini)

January 2022 release is now live and MMF invites have been sent out.

I will also be adding the normal drive link later today. I hope everyone enjoys the changes and additions to these older sculpts that didnt get as much attention over 1.5 years ago!


Forest Dragon ( Regal pose) ( 220mm long/ 75mm base)

Forest Dragon ( Guardian Wings) (320mm tall/ 75mm base)

Vile Steel Dragon ( Original pose/ New Wings) (270mm tall/ 100mm base)

Vile Steel Dragon ( Flight pose breathing fire) ( 215mm tall/ 125mm base)

Gold Dragon ( Original Stoic Pose) (230mm tall/ 100mm base)

Dragon Born Berzerker ( Attack Pose) (50mm tall)

4x heads (3 dragon/ 1 human)

3x torsos ( wing variations)

3x legs ( tail variations)

3x great weapons (axe, sword, mace)

Dragon Born Berzerker ( taunting pose) (50mm tall)

4x heads (3 dragon/ 1 human)

3x torsos ( wing variations)

3x legs ( tail variations)

3x great weapons (axe, sword, mace)

Dragon Born Berzerker ( Stoic pose) (50mm tall)

4x heads (3 dragon/ 1 human)

3x torsos ( wing variations)

3x legs ( tail variations)

3x great weapons (axe, sword, mace)

Enslaved Construct ( 125mm tall/ 50mm base)

Lich Giant ( 130mm tall/ 100mm base)

Monument Hobbies 3rd quater rewards

Scifi Hunter (75mm mini)

Native Female (75mm mini)

Quelle: Mini Monster Mayhem auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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