von BK-Bob | 13.01.2022 | eingestellt unter: Marvel

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Shadowland Daredevil & Elektra

Atomic Mass Games bringen die Hand unter Führung von Daredevil  für Marvel Crisis Protocol heraus.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Shadowland Daredevil & Elektra 6 Marvel Crisis Protocol Shadowland Daredevil & Elektra 1 Marvel Crisis Protocol Shadowland Daredevil & Elektra 2 Marvel Crisis Protocol Shadowland Daredevil & Elektra 3 Marvel Crisis Protocol Shadowland Daredevil & Elektra 4 Marvel Crisis Protocol Shadowland Daredevil & Elektra 5

Shadowland Daredevil & Elektra – 54,95€

When Daredevil returns to Hell’s Kitchen as the new leader of the Hand Ninja clan, he abandons law and order for a much harsher approach. With an army of Hand Ninjas by his side, can anyone stand in the way of Matt Murdock and this shadowy new incarnation of Daredevil? Can anyone stand against the Man Without Fear when he has an army to command?

Assassin and mercenary Elektra Natchios was trained by the ancient cult of ninjas known as The Hand to be a supreme martial artist and master of stealth. She is willing to work for anyone who can afford her matchless skills, bringing a swift end to those who dare stand in her way. While she sometimes joins forces with Daredevil and other heroes, she is ultimately a lone warrior who follows her own path among the shadows.

Release: Q1 2022

Sculpting: Dave Kidd and Gael Goumon

Painter: Brendan Roy

Character Pack Contents

  • 1 Shadowland Daredevil Miniature
  • 1 Elektra Miniature
  • 1 Hand Ninjas Miniature
  • 3 Bases
  • 3 Character Stat Cards
  • 5 Team Tactic Cards
  • 8 Tokens

Team Tactic Cards

  • Shuriken Arashi
  • Vendetta
  • Bounty Hunters
  • Cruel Tutelage
  • No Merc

Quelle: Atomic Mass Games


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Sehen wir zumeist ziemlich gut aus, auch wenn ich die drei Mann auf einer Base nicht immer glücklich finde.

  • Ich bin als Crisis-Spieler dem Sytem ja positiv gegenüber eingestellt. Aber ich versteh die Preisgestaltung nicht.

    Nick Fury + 3 Agenten kosten gleich viel wie Daredevil + 3 Ninjas + Elektra?

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